Hello {!firstname_fix},
   ... and Happy Friday to all of My new Internet Friends. Daniel here
in Missouri.. Hope you enjoyed the messages that I  have sent to you this morning.
Today, I worked on the Bath House. I am putting in Skylights in our campground  bathouse.
Man what a difference. You walk in and it is so much brighter. We have been here
about two years and I wish I have put them in right from the start. How much money
would have I saved, since before we had to burn lights 24/7.  And the owners before,
about seven years and the owners before them about 30 years... Big Savings!- Wasted.. 
Well it's kind of like this activity.. I got started about 3 Mo. ago..and I am
glad that I did.. But how much cash would have I received if I started, O - let's say
5 years ago.. Man I would probably be a Multi-Millinaire insted of just a Millionaire.
I will not cry over spilled milk, though. It is all part of life. Opportunities Knok,
and Sometimes we welcome them and sometimes we let them slip by.We cannot do all-but when an opportunity is Good..Take Heat and Act. 
And for those of you that are getting started, Congratulations! 

My Opinion.

At Least take a Good Look at What I am Talking about. No Pressure. Don't Worry I will
Still have lots of Gifts Come in. But I would like to share this Joy with you. That is
why I am inviting you to take a serious look.


1.618.355.7431  Special Free Recorded info call..

Daniel in Missouri, here to help you.

Almost Forgot.. For a Limited Time I will DOUBLE your gift.

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