Free step by step instructions on making money without investing!!!

Posted by Max Merrill
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I thought it would be nice, if someone would write an easy to follow step
by step guide to making money online without an investment, for anyone
to follow. So I finally got enough time to write one up, and present it to
everyone here absolutely free. I did it for the people, to allow everyone
an equal chance to learn how to make money online without putting up any
 kind of investment other then time. Here is what I got.

Be sure to read my formula on making money online. It will make this a lot
easier on you if you do.

Your Ad Here

Search the web:

Step #1 Your Website

First, you must decide what the content of your site is going to contain. Now
bare in mind that internet surfing habits tend to change daily amongst society.
Know that not everyone goes to the same sites. You must decide what content
will pull in the most people. Best thing to do, is go back to when you were in
school. Imagine sitting in Language Arts class and the
teacher telling you to write up a brainstorm for a story or essay.
NOTE: "It doesn't matter if you are making a site, or even if you want
to make a little spare
change here and there on blogs and forums. Either
 way will generate you money in time.
When the content is good, then
you can generate more then you would think."

This brainstorming method is actually quite effective. Start with your first bubble
 and think of what brings the most people to a site. Then think of what you could
add onto that site, whether it be info on the main content or an entirely new
page with different content. Now bare in mind you can't just throw a site together
and expect people to go to it. You want to make sure that you if you are going
to make a site with more then just one category of content on it. Make sure that
 you specify to your visitors what the site contains.

I like to use the index page, or "Main page" as more of a description of what the
site is about. I like to give people information on what they could find
on the site, and what they could expect. I always like to try and include a
news page for the visitors to keep them posted on what is new with the site
or what has been fixed/needs fixed. Make sure you take into consideration, people
who have slower internet connections. Try to make the pages as small as possible.
Pertaining to space that is. The smaller the KB size of a page, the less time it will
take for visitors to load the pages. If a page takes too long to load, most of the time
 the visitor will cease browsing your page.

You may want to consider putting what are called "widgets" on your site as well.
 They are tools for your visitors. Such as polls, forums, even a couple browser
games. The sky is the limit. You don't want to just throw them on the page
however. You must realize that nobody likes looking at poorly built sites. Admit it,
you don't either do you?

Now, I know a lot of you are saying... "I don't know how to build a website.
I can't, I don't know how to do html language or JavaScript." Well relax; I will
 even help you with this of course. There is a very easy to use, and I have to
admit, very powerful program called NVU. It's a WYSIWYG editor or drag and
drop editor as some call it. 
NVU Main Site, The Program IS free.

This program even comes with Tutorials so that you have the help you may
need to get your site built and running. I want to also point out, that you
DO NOT want to publish with this program. The publishing end of the program
 tends to be very slow and frustrating. When you are done editing a page,
be sure to save it somewhere you can get to it easily. This way you can
upload the pages to your web hosting, which I will go into in a moment.

Make sure that you get a few pages done, before you decide on what to
name your site. This is another reason why I haven’t said anything about
hosting yet either. Once you have a few pages done, then you may move on
to step two.

Step #2 Your Ads and Affiliate Programs
  This step is going to teach you about ads and how to make money with them.
 I will Give you the link to some of THE BEST affiliate programs. This will make it
easier on you, saving you a lot of time. This way you don’t spend valuable time
researching and Trying to find out which programs aren’t going to do you wrong.
The following are the Top affiliate programs in my opinion. Feel free to go out
and look and see what else there is, you don't HAVE TO take my word on it.
Be your own person, but remember... It takes time to research all the programs
to see which ones are best. When I provide you the information and links to the
programs here. So people know, If a affiliate program doesn't meet my standards,
which believe me are higher then hell, I won't even breathe their name.

If you can't get signed up with them, due to you not having a site. Wait to sign
 up with
those affiliates till after step #4.

clixGalores Merchant & Affiliate Referral Commission Program
Clixgalore has an extremely WIDE range of options for your publishing needs.
They provide you with hundreds of merchant catalogs to display to your visitors.
 There isn't a product that you wouldn't find amongst the merchants. They offer
 you the following options:

PPC (pay per click ads) which pays you each click on that ad.
CPM (cost per million) which would be a set amount per 1000 impressions.
PPL (pay per lead) which is a set amount per lead (which is usually an email address)
PPS (pay per sale) you get paid a set percentage of what a person spends at that
affiliate. This Affiliate is my top program. I still can't get over how well it performs.
Definitely a must.

Next we have adbrite. Now adbrite pays you for both impressions and clicks.
 So either way you are still making money, even if they don't click them. Mind you,
 you only make a penny per 100 impressions. But, if you have 5000 page views a
day. It still ads up. Think if you get more? This place pays VERY well when it comes
 to clicks. I've had a few of my ads pull me in 82 cents
on a hit. Yes you read that right. 82 CENTS on ONE click. The banners are easy
 to work with as well, so there's always that advantage. :)

 Pay Per Click Solutions - Increase your earnings
Exoclick has an array of new options for people who need that little extra edge.
They offer their affiliates web portals, full page ads, ad boxes, and search boxes.
They pay fairly well per click last time I checked. Most of these programs are on auto
pilot for me now. I have them spread all over the internet.

This site is starting to pull itself up my grade A list. They pay a hansom $1.00 per
only 1000 page views. Thats a penny every 10 impressions. If your site pulls in an easy
10000 page views a day after being noticed. You are looking at $300 in a monthfrom
just impressions from this program. JUST IMPRESSIONS!!! Not even including clicks.
They pay very well for clicks, no surprise of course.

I have to say, that this site is definitely worth the time checking it out. This company will
call you personally to confirm you application. They do it to cut down on junk account, and
to make sure that all sites are going to be worth the time to approve them. They will call
you and tell you whether or not you will be approved. Which is nice if you ask me, it shows they aren't a bogus company. Definitely worth a look.

After you have signed up for the affiliates with the above links, you’re going to want to place
these ads on your web pages. Make sure you place them in places where people will see them. 
One thing to remember, that anything under the fold, (place below where the web
Browser first displays, from the start menu over) will not be seen by visitors unless
they scroll down

This DOES NOT mean to go and cram all the ads into a little space.
Nobody likes when a page loads and there is nothing but ads everywhere.
 Nobody will sit at a site with this kind of content. You want to make sure
you place ads that are similar to the content that is displayed. One great
 thing about the affiliates I’ve listed for you, is that they offer what are
called contextual ads. They read your site and display ads that are relevant
to your site content for you.
The number one place for an ad, is right under your header. This will ALWAYS
load where People can first see it with your site content. The next place is in
the left and right hand sides of the web pages. Usually below the menu, if you
 use a vertical menu that is.

After you have placed your ads onto your site pages, make sure to check
your pages to see if they look how you want them too. If something is not
showing up how you want it to, then edit the parts that need fixed. With
the NVU tool, you have the source editor, the html tag editor AND the drag
and drop tools all in one simple to use editor.

Know that there a few different types of ads to your disposal through the
affiliates that I have provided to you. I’ve found contextual ads to work
better then the other types, due to the fact that it reads your site content
and fills in the ads to match the site content. The loading times for these
types of ads are usually a lot quicker then those of the graphic banners.
 If one of your contextual banners is having trouble displaying ads that pertain
to the site content, then trying right clicking on your ad in the NVU program,
and type in a couple of description words that match your site content. This
usually fixes the problem if you stumble upon it.

You have what are called graphic banner ads. These usually come in all sorts
 and sizes to match your needs. These banners are usually set on a certain
image and linking properties. Unless of course you are using Adbrite. The
ads for adbrite let you edit what kind of ads it shows. When you use these
types of banners, be sure to match any banners you use through clixgalore
with the content of your site. Also be sure that you align your banners to your
page and your text. Also, I want to point out. You need to make sure
 that you DO NOT put too many graphic banner ads onto one page, as it will
take the page longer to load. If you have too many, those who are using a
slower internet service provider will have problems seeing these pages.

There are a couple of other methods of ads. Look over your Affiliate programs, and
see what kind of ads they offer, then search google on ways to make these ads
work for you.

I believe it is about time to move on to step three.

Step #3 Keywords and how to implement them

This step will be dedicated to helping you learn what keywords are, and
 how to use them to increase your page rank, and page visitors. The first
 thing that you must understand, is that you can't just make a site and
 throw a bunch of words all over the page. There are a few different ways
of implementing keywords. I will go over a few of the best methods of use
for keywords.

The first way, would definitely have to be meta tag implementation of keywords.
Being that it's the most effective method. These keywords are found in your
heading html. Here is an example of this.

 Again, if you want to find out more information on this method. Then use google to
 find out a little more. You should be able to find sufficient information. Many people
release a few guides to help those in need of some advice.

Click here to go to Google
(opens in a new window)
Another great way to implement keywords is by right clicking your banners in NVU
and adding keywords to the description of the banner ads. This has worked well
 for me over the many sites I've built. Make sure that you don't put keywords into
 EVERY banner description, as search
engines will pass it up as keyword spam. Which
means no search engine listings for that site,
that's EXTREMELY bad.
The last one I will present you with, will be the linked keywords. Linking a
couple of words in your content with viable sites to that word, will generate
a substantial amount of traffic in most cases. When people will search for a
 particular site, there are good chances it will help bring up your site in searches.
Plus, if someone searches a keyword you linked, you'll get traffic. Not only
that, you will have viable links for the keywords. Bringing your site that much
more traffic.

Be sure that you use well searched keywords. Putting key phrases
sometimes helps as well. By phrases I mean a series of 2 or 3 words, 4 is
pushing it. Anymore then that will not work as well. When using
keywords, be sure to make some very specific while others be a wider
range of keyword.

Example, if your site is about business. Be sure to use keywords that
are very specific. Such as home business, free business, networking
business, ect..

Then use a few words that aren't as specific. Such as business,
money, make money, free money, ect.... Whatever may pertain
to your site of course.

Step #4 Hosting and setup of website
There is an absolutely gigantic list of hosting services you may use.
Now whether you want free hosting or you want paid hosting with
a domain name. This will be up to you as far as what hosting service
you would prefer to use. If you haven't used a web hosting service
before, then I would recommend the one that I am currently using now.
 As you get 3, 1 year registrations for domain names. After the first
year, it's I believe 5$ a year for each one. Which is still pretty cheap
considering the recent lack of unused .com names. Heres the banner for
 the hosting I use, they claim to have unlimited bandwidth as well. I
haven't had any problems so far with this hoster, so I recommend them to you.

Free Web Hosting

Now, as far as setting your pages up on your hosting service. That is
pretty simple. Your first page needs to be named index so that it is
index.html. This is your main page. When you upload all your pages
and images if you have any. You can do it one of two ways. You can
do it through their website, or you can do it through FTP. If you want
to do it by FTP, then be sure to read their help section on it. It is very
short, easy to use, and easy to find.

After you get your pages uploaded inot your web hoster. Be sure to go
to your website and make sure that it runs the way you want it to. Be
sure to check for broken links, bad images, images that don't show up,
ads that aren't where they should be or aligned properly, ect..

Now if you want to get your own .com domain and top of the line hosting.
Then you would have to purchase it. If I were to recommend ANY paid
hosting service, other then the one above. It would be none other the
following.. They have superb service and great hosting.

Go Daddy $1.99 Domains
(~Linked for your convienence, opens in new window~)

Now if you plan on doing your site in PHP premade templates, or your
own PHP site. Understand, that you WILL HAVE to make sure your web
hoster supports PHP and MYSQL database functions. Otherwise, your
pages won't display and operate properly. The following are some links
 to tutorials for php and how to use, develope, and maintain it.

You are going to need to go through your site, and make sure that
all the links that you have made, go to your webhosting. So this way
they show up when people go to your website. I know some of you
are most likely crying out in anger right now. Understand that I didn't
tell you to do this, till AFTER you got some of your pages together. Most
affiliate programs won't take you if you don't have some pages together,
and a site that has content. This also helps you in the long run, as it
leaves the visitors with more information in the beginning stages of the
sites developement.

Step #5 Advertising, generating traffic, and page ranking
This is the part of this quest that will take the longest. The hardest part
 is getting the traffic to your site. There are way too many methods of
advertising and traffic generation that I'm only going to name a few of them.

One of the easiest ways to generate traffic to your site is by using what
are called traffic exchange sites. This will allow you to atleast start generating
 some traffic. This will help you establish your site across search engines and
show up in more places on the internet. The hardest part is getting to that point.
Traffic exchanges will basically trade page views with you and traffic, so that
people see and recognize your site. Here is a brief list of a couple traffic
exchanges that will help you greatly if you want to take the free route.
Here is a small list of some good free traffic exchanges. Both manual and
auto surf exchanges.

SmileyTraffic, traffic, auto traffic, auto exchange, manual surf, auto surf

Do You Have A Traffic Plan?  Free traffic, banner, text ad and mini banner exchange!
Do You Have A Traffic Plan?  Free traffic, banner, text ad and mini banner exchange!


  There is of course A LOT of other traffic exchanges. But these have done the
best for me so far. So these are the main ones I will recommend.

JustMemo- Free Web Directory Listing

 The trick is getting your page rank up, so that you come up in google
searches and yahoo searches. The more search engines you get yourself
into the better. Here is a short list of a couple free search engine submission
 services. Your page rank is very important when it comes to search engines.
The higher your page rank, the sooner you show up in search engine
searches. As your page rank gets better, you show up ahead of other sites
 in search engine searches.
Search Engine Marketing and Submission

Search Engine Optimization and SEO Tools
Submit Your Site To The Web's Top 50 Search Engines for Free!

There is always social networking, which works extremely well if you offer
 products. There are quite a few buyers and sellers on the following
network. They offer to pay you to socially advertise your business,
and even allow you to build what's called a business center, and all for free!!!


The first thing you're going to want to do, is register your site with as
many search engines as you can. The more you are registered with, the
 more traffic that will pour onto your site... Given that you used good
keywords that is.  Your keywords are very important when it comes to
advertising. If your keywords are not relavent to your site,
then you aren't going to generate any decent traffic.

The goal is to generate enough traffic that you do not have to worry
about trying to pour people onto your site.  Eventually, the site will pretty
much operate itself. The only thing that you need to do as the webmaster
is to make sure that the site stays up and has no errors.

NOTE: Always be sure to add new content!

You could always use paid advertisement services. As they always
seem to have the best results when it comes to advertising. They
seem to deliver exactly what you need when you need it. Be sure
that you read the site for the advertiser though, to be
sure to avoid any scams or crappy services.

Step #6 Setting up a store or catalog
One of the most important parts of a website, if you are wanting to
make a good income from a site, is making sure that you set up a
store or catalog with your site. You generate anything from money
per click on a particular item, to percentage of sale, to money per
sale, to even leads. Make sure that you tie in your catalog with your
site content. This way when they come to your site, they find products that
go with the site content. No body is going to go to a gaming website to buy
clothes if you get what I am saying.

clixGalores Merchant & Affiliate Referral Commission Program

If you signed up with the above affiliates that I have listed for you, then you would
have the option of the affiliate making your catalog for you instead of having to do
 it yourself. All you have to do is setup the link to your first page and move on from
there. This makes setting up an online store even that much easier. You can sell
anything from jewelry to games to movies. Everything pretty much.

Over time, when you start getting more and more people that visit your site.
You will generate more and more sales. In turn will generate more and more
money in your pocket. Thus, making a site that makes you money. Your catalog
is your best friend.

Be sure that people know about any sales that might be going on with your
catalogs or stores. Be sure that you make note of those before any other
products. Unless of course the other products be something that is "hot" on
the market. Anything that sells extremely well, such as game systems or
electronics, you want to make note of those for your visitors first and fore most. 
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