What it takes to be a Real Successful Home Based Business

Posted by Simon Tan
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Have you heard of MLM, Network Marketing, Direct Sales....etc?

Are you tired of chasing after successful system promise by companies after companies?

So have you actually found your success?

The Truth about Successful Online Home Based Businesses

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) has been around for decades and it is a fact that only very few are really successful. It is really very scary to know that only 1 in 1000 involving in MLM are successful. Why is it happen this way?

The truth is that Multi-Level scheme usually involve small commission product and it requires you to constantly hunt for downline. Most people will only achieve successful only after 5 to 6 years before you are able to build a huge downline. Some even went out of money or quit before they even reach there. Of course it doesn't mean that all MLM scheme do not make money. I personally also involve in some MLM which makes me some money but it has to be free to join and without selling any product.

So what it takes to be a REAL Business

I have been in many different businesses for many years mostly with direct sales. I realise what it takes to consider a real business and what is a SCAM. For any real business to be established, there must have some real startup cost. There are a lot of businesses that claim to be free and promise to make you tons of money in a short time but just think about it seriously, how can it be possible? There are always bigger motive behind the setup because it is really very difficult to built that kind of 6 figure income with such a small commissions, you will need massive traffics and downline. Of course there are still people who are able to succeed but what is the percentage?

Direct Sales is the way to go

For decades, it is proven that there are lots of successful sales guys in the direct sales industry like Insurance and real estate. However, this is not a cup of tea for everyone. It is because most people either do not know how to sell or run out of leads after a while. They are tired of cold calling, calling their friends and relative and finally quit. The key to such business is still down to the very basic equations – that is prospecting and leads.

So what is the main reason such industry can still generate top sales people? They all have something in common, huge Commissions! That is the real secret in defining a real business.

So what is the Real Successful system for everyone?

Now you know what contributes success. To make such direct sales (does not have to be insurance or real estate) suitable for everyone, all you have to do is by solving the prospecting and lead issue couple with a great direct sales product.
Imagine you have a direct sales program with a $2K, or even $8K startup and pays you a $1K or $4K commissions upfront, it is definitely very profitable. Of course the program has to be really useful for any individual who use it. With such a huge investment, any individual will definitely be much committed to the success of their own business. That differentiate between free and real investment, it pushes one to become really thinking like an Entrepreneur.

On top of that, what if there is a system that is able help solves your prospecting and lead generation issue automatically working from home, without you ever have to make a phone call? You are on your way to be a successful Home Based Owner.

I am writing this article because there is really no easy money on the net. One must really put in effort building the business with a powerful marketing system behind it with a great product. Most importantly, you must think and act like an entrepreneur.

  â€œSuccess starts from a dream and it take actions to realize it…”

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About the author:

Simon Tan is an Entrepreneur who writes on marketing and business related articles. You can find out more about his Business Site at http://wealthdreamer.com/