How To Get Free Advertising By Giving Away Online Content

Posted by Robert Phillips
662 Pageviews

Giving away content is a powerful way to get free advertising.

For example, give other people permission to use your article

on their web site or in their e-zine. The resource box at the

end of your article acts as an ad. In return, you get free

advertising. It's a win/win situation for both you and the

people that need the extra content.



There are many forms of free content. It could be articles,

reports, news stories, e-books, e-zines, e-mags, virtual e-mail

courses, press releases, web books, etc.


You can take it a step further and make giving away content

an even more powerful way to get free advertising. For

example, give your free e-book to one person and allow them

the rights to also give it away. Do you see what I'm leading

up to? Let's say only 20 people download your e-book. Those

20 people may give away your e-book to 20 more people.

That's a total of 400 people that have seen your ad in the

e-book. And it just keeps multiplying!



If you keep producing free content over a long period of time

it starts building up. Now, take all your free content and

create an online directory. You can use your free content

directory as a web site traffic generator. You can ask people

to add the directory to their web site by linking to yours.



In conclusion, giving away content gives you three powerful

ways to get free advertising. You can submit free content,

allow other people to give away your free content, or have

people link to your web site to give away the free content.

My advice is to take it one step at a time and this system

will bring traffic to your web site over and over for years

to come.


Robert Phillips

skype robertphillips71


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