Just a FLY on the wall........(he he...everywhere)

Posted by Jennifer Underwood
740 Pageviews
Saving yourself from the world.  How on earth does it happen?  How can we possibly even think about anything 'good' when all around us is 'bad'?  OR IS IT???????  I have wrote a few articles, expressing the new 'voyage' that I am experiencing.  The few articles that I have written have brought up a different reaction that I was hoping for.....SO NEXT!

  I can HONESTLY say that since I have changed my 'red' thoughts to 'green'...my prospective has come to a much different conclusion in life.  
Oh my even movies are talking to me....am I crazy?  
NO I was crazy when I believed in all the things in the world that put so much FEAR into me, that sometimes I would count my breaths at night...to make sure I was still breathing.

Looking on the 'bright' side of things, the GREEN side of things has brought into the new dimension.....care to join me? 

WOW at the feeling, but better to explain.......the POWER of the CHANGES I am seeing in my life!  I am not some Guru talking about having to PAY for you to understand.  (I still don't get why people CHARGE to share to TRUE meaning of life)......
Well, I guess that is what we all have 'known' in this life. 
Is to 'pay' to understand.  (college, mentors, tithing)
Money....to me is a word that some LUNATIC made up.  Life is the abundance we have been given.  Living and loving.I am really sick of the word MONEY (which controls our lives...or tries to)...who is with me?
I am THE RICHEST PERSON IN THE WORLD when I have control of WHO I AM!

How about you?
Love ya'll!

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