This picture was just taken tonight.  My baby girl graduated from big Pre-K today.  I am sure many of you know this feeling that I am going through, it is pure excitement!  But it is also a time to realize that my not a baby anymore.  OR IS SHE?????   LOL.  She did tell me today that she was not a baby anymore (when I called her baby).  Well.....ROTF!!  I just walked in the living room to put her to bed...and found her this way (she usually uses her past baby stuff for HER babies)!  What can I do or say??......she is still there and I just can't move her............this moment....PRICELESS!!!Oh my OLDEST graduating from Elementary school....and of to Jr high!  Look for this next moment in time! 

Photobucket BEFORE kaleigh '04
Jennifer Sasser

Simplifying Lives and Securing Futures

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