Leveraging Effort in Home Based Business

Posted by Steven Egu
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So many home based business owners talk about leveraging their incomes through multiple income streams, however it's rare when these home based business owners talk about leveraging efforts. The concept of leveraging ones income off of other people by getting a large number of people to invest a small sum of money is not new, it has been in existence for over 60 years since Amway had first burst on the scene. But the idea of truly leveraging EFFORT is still new to the home based business arena.

Leveraging effort means utilizing other people who have greater skills in one particular area. For example, a home based business owner may not be very proficient in cold calling, so what the home based business owner does is hires someone to do the cold calling for them, and by leveraging off the cold caller, the home based business owner saves both time and increases productivity.

This mode of thinking is not new to offline business. It is very common for offline businesses to leverage off the efforts of employees in order to make profit. However when it comes to online business, and home based business, owners are reluctant to utilize this powerful technique. By leveraging off the efforts of others, one can boost profitability literally through the roof. And profitability is the bottom line of any business, online or off.

The most successful home based business owners do not do everything by themselves. They utilize huge teams of people to help them in areas of their business they may not be very proficient in. It also increases exposure to a certain product or service. For example, a master online marketer may launch an affiliate program around their product which really serves two purposes. It brings a different category of prospects into the business sphere of influence (the affiliates) and it also increases exposure of the companies product or service by bringing the affiliates contacts into the sphere.

Truly leveraging ones efforts off others can create huge income, and that's the real secret to home based business and making money on the internet. By utilizing a team of professionals and being part of a productive team, a home based business owner stands to make a lot of money, and reach all new areas of online success.

Steven Lanier is an online marketer, and professional list builder. Steven has grown large downlines in several MLM's and is a top affiliate in many companies and opportunities. Visit his website at http://www.networkofmillionaires.com