OK....so I admit!

Posted by Jennifer Underwood
678 Pageviews
Ok, ok.  So I admit.  I have been popping in and out of a lot of peoples' blogs...and not commenting or topping.  Well.  Number 1.  We have been having crazy weather over here that if I get to your site, then my internet goes down.  Then I say fooey on it.  Or I get to your blog...and I get distracted *happening tons here lately*.

Ok, here is the deal.  Everyone knows about the gas prices, the cost of living...blah blah blah.  I have NEVER ever claimed one time that my business has 'made me millions in a minute'...or even 'made me millions yet' (or even close).  But my biz has helped out tremendously, and continuously does so (and yes....I will be there).  But the 'bread winner' in my house hold has been my soon to be hubby, and he has needed help running his biz.  So of course I am going to be right there.
This is my reason for my absence.  But I am still here.  Things are going more smooth on his end now....so all....BEWARE....RAHHHHHhhhahahahhaaaaa....

