Amazing Scientific Breakthru To Completely Change The Lives Of Downtrodden Society
Scientist's from around the world gathered today in New York City to discuss the much debated and highly contraversial procedure claimed to literally change the way people act, feel and conduct themselves in public.
Professor Nagret Yang from the University of Chicago has claimed for many years that the majority of citizens worldwide have been seriously affected by this condition known as S.S.I.T.A. Disorder, a serious rectal condition known to affect behavioral patterns and cause considerable discomfort especially while walking.
His miracle exploratory procedure C.R.T.S. has helped thousands worldwide to feel incredible relief and enabled many to walk without clenching their butt cheeks.
"This will inevitably bring peace to the world!" exclaimed Dr. Gany Tenrag. "People will finally come to realize that we are all indeed created equal, that no one is better than anyone else for any reason what so ever. As more people experience the relief of this procedure people will also begin to see that it is not necessary for us all to agree on everything, but that there is actually much joy to be experienced in the act of healthy debate and in coming to terms with certain truths that we can all come to respect, love and cherish! Others will be happy to finally just have the stick removed out of their butt."
It is expected that as time goes on much more of humanity will begin to indulge in the Creative Thought Process and begin persueing and living the lives of their desired choosing
Reporting from the middle of no where in the Bush, Garnet Nagy
This Blog is intended as a Fun look at humanity and creative forms of marketing. If you have a problem with it, please just tell me so!
Update - April 3 2008
What started out as a mere joke on one of Jeff Greene's aka Peaceful's blogs has spiraled into something else entirely. For several months now I have witnessed many members within the community making statements in regards to the lack of activity lately and for the most part have agreed as I have felt and experienced it myself. This blog itself is proof simply because as I write this update the response so far is not anywhere near what I would have seen 5 months ago! What is quite interesting to note is many of these same members have stated they have always felt APSense was the Best Business Social Network around, period.
Again I must agree with these feelings for many reasons as not only have I experienced many of the other networks firsthand and to put it quite bluntly I did not see near the business tools, resources, community spirit, interactivity or plain old RAW TALENT that is present here!
This being said, it is not like this community does not have it's 'problems' or anything(like new members spamming us or just really not understanding Web 2.0), but if you are in fact human I would expect that you would know by now that 'problems' are a mere part of life, heck we all have them! As far as I'm concerned way too many ordinary, good and decent people trying to run a home-based business have been led on by this false pretense that everything must appear completely and utterly perfect,when really all too often these little difficulties turn out to be the best part, especially once you overcome them!
Now, I am a little biased in my opinions here as APSense is where I got what I would consider "My Big Break" as after several months searching and learning off a quiet, lonely internet that seemed to harbor no signs of human inhabitance I finally came into contact with real people who held valuable knowledge and were giving of it! Furthermore, I did go on to build some powerful relationships with other professionals and am currently involved in several projects including one major one which I and many others expect to bring some significant change to the internet but even thats not the main point here.
You see, I am average guy, nobody special at all. I have no one major talent and carry only a general knowledge of the internet and the different things that have been or that could be done. If I was still trying to build my business by myself I suspect I would be in the same boat I was a year ago(and trust me, that was nowhere near where I am today!) I have not made a million dollars yet, but I am proud to call myself a member of this community and as a result of networking and much experimentation here, a True Online Entrepreneur.
Over the next several days I will be taking the time to contact every single one of my contacts within APSense and asking them to kindly visit this posting and leave their remarks. I am also contacting a few members who have written articles which I feel should be recommended reading for everyone in the community and asking their permission to post links to their writings here as a guide to anyone wishing to know how to best utilise everything this community has to offer.
More than anything, please understand this is our community, and what we do with it is strictly up to us, the members and this is exactly what makes it a great experience, it is ours! Whats more is as a community you have a great opportunity to network and ask several others about any program out there before jumping into it and getting scammed! My hope would be you would choose any program with the utmost care and be darn sure it is suited to you, again this is just one of many available perspective's!
And yes, I do tend to get a little carried away joking around from time to time but I assure you everything I have stated in this update is accurate to the best of my knowledge and is part of something that has evolved as the result of the efforts of many many great people.
There is simply no way I can say or shed light on everything that has already been said by myself and others several times over already.Please take the time to read through all the comments everyone has had to offer, All Feedback is Appreciated.
Update - April 4 2008
It has been 3 days since the original posting of this blog and today has already begun to prove more active not only on this blog but around the community which allows me to demonstrate a certain point. By merely taking the time to contact a few people I have received direct results to this blog, and I haven't even got started yet! Also there are some people who I have not yet contacted that are beginning to trickle in. The point is simple, By being ACTIVE and spending a fraction of my time communicating with(and listening to) other people I have received my desired results!
Do not be confused, I am not 'tooting my own horn' as obviously none of this is possible without the generosity of others. It is only when we work together that we will see the action we are all looking for. I think everyone who has stopped by so far already understands this, Really appreciated guys and gals, thank you for all your feedback, support and especially for your generosity! Again, this whole process is evolving as is the rest of APSense, anyways I am still waiting to hear from some folks who have written great articles, especially for newbies wondering where the heck to start, but I have gotten the go ahead from a couple folks so here it goes:
Useful Articles From The Community
Please note, these articles are all written by different authors from different perspectives and will provide some general insight into a few different styles and techniques as well as some technical information and are intended strictly as helpful material. Feel free to use them to the fullest and I strongly recommend you take the time to read the feedback others have left on them too, please just don't try to copy them and claim them as your own!
There is no "carbon copy" guide or path to success and the best road to success can only be the one you decide upon, enjoy!
What Are We Doing Here Anyways? Really? Always Good To Know!
A useful list of APSense How To articles. - APSense HelpGreat Technical Help For People Like Me Who Don't Know Crap About Computers.
These are the Steps to get your Blog Topped / Attention Newbies Another Community Favorite! Great Tips...
More to come....All Feedback Is Still Very Much Appreciated!
Update April 5 2008
Slowly working my way through my contact list today, see a couple of them even made it here so apparently they got my message and they must feel they want to develope a business relationship with me as I politely requested if they were not interested in building a business relationship to remove from their contact list...I mean honestly, whats the point of being contacts if you never have any damn contact?
Anyways, the bigger issue here is I am also asking everyone to leave their feedback to no avail....Perhaps I should be more specific!
If you have any tips on how to use this damn site more effectively or on Web 2.0 in general kindly drop them here please!
Thank you.
In case you couldn't's been a long day and I'm getting sick of having to spell everything out myself, but those who leave their remarks will get noticed(another tip?)
All other feedback is still appreciated too.
Update April 6 2008
Today had proven most interesting. I have now sent the following message to roughly 100 of my contacts(I started out sending everyone a unique message but after roughly the first 20 I wrote a generic one and added additional remarks to the ones I sent to people I already have established some kind of relationship with...(Phew! What a mouthful!) The results have been somewhat mixed, I have received response from nearly 20 was a totally blatant ad who obviously never even read my damn message...others have expressed an interest in building a business relationship on a basic understanding that we are not looking to join each others opportunities, but can likely instead help each other in other ways and that The Future is Wide Open with Possibilities, Heck! Who knows? Right??
Here is the message I have been sending(I may change it a little tomorrow in which case I will update with results!), ubb code has been left in because I am lazy dammit!:
Hi _____
I am going through the tedious task of sorting through my contact list to see who is actually interested in building a business relationship and who is simply dead weight on my contact list for no apparent reason.
I have started an [url=]interactive blog dedicated as a guide to APSense and Web 2.0 in general[/url], please stop by and leave your heartfelt remarks...even if it's telling me I suck..LOL
If you have no interest in communicating and building a business relationship please remove me from your contact list, thanks.
Garnet Nagy [url][/url]
Just an additional note, I do expect more response from the one's I have sent already as I know some of these people have a routine or schedule they use and only stop by so often to check messages..etc. I am also looking extremely forward to getting to know the new friends I made today better and building mutually benefical relationships that will last well into the future.
*Final Update*April 9 2008
I am going to start with some basic numbers tonight.
I contacted 150 of my contacts with the message I posted in my last update. 21 people responded directly to me, roughly half of which I believe actually visited the blog, very few left remarks, some gave good feedback and others just tried to sign me up for some scheme without even paying attention to anything I had to say.
I also suspect some of the mail will get opened eventually as I do know many who only stop here every few months and check mail...results will probably be similiar and if I had to guess I'd say maybe 10 or 15 people will react in some way to my message.(actually one just did as I am typing this, Thanks Inaki!)
As I have not had a response from the person I requested permission from to link a certain article to this blog(and as I feel it needs re-writing to adjust for changes to APSense since it's posting), I am going to leave a few tips and suggestions on how to get things moving around all can do whatever you want with them.
Here it goes(excuse me if it's boring):
The first and most obvious step any new member should take is filling out their profile and upload a picture of themselves. You should not copy and paste adverts, but try to be original and not worry so much about your appearance or looking stoopid, in fact the only thing you should be worried about if anything at all is what/who you are...and why you are here.
Next you should probably take some time to explore and see what others are doing or have done, eventually you will want to start blogging and maybe even a group(I suggest ONE group, something original and suited to your interests, and remember you can always change or add to it as you go). The links above in the April 4th update will provide some insight here too.
1 - Everyday add at least 20 new contacts. Whenever someone approves you or you approve them immediately send them a message to say thanks and hello. Tell them about yourself and what you are doing here. More than anything, Make your intentions absolutely clear!! A welcome letter I might send would look something like this(*hint* Keep a copy in a notepad or word document and paste it in a message, I suggest you add a personal touch for each individual):
"Hi Bob,
Thanks for accepting my contact invite. I see from your profile you LOVE horseback riding, I rode a horse once when I was 12, got bucked off an nearly broke my neck..LOL
I am here to meet other serious business people, learn all I can and offer help whenever I can. My Main business is helping people develop their mindset and sound business plans. I show them how to implement the plans for their home business, it's a lot of dull and boring stuff compared to all the hype you see out there!
Anyways, I am here to help and keep this an OPEN COMMUNITY where anyone can learn and do safe business, feel free to give me a shout anytime. If I can't help you I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.
Garnet Nagy
Co-Founder - Beginners Marketing Class(306)873-8491
P.S. Hope to hear back from you and more about what you do soon!"
Now, hopefully if Bob is any kind of networker or decent person, he would quickly respond, tell you a bit about himself, ask you a couple questions and maybe even encourage you to someday go horseback riding again.Also, if everyone practiced this sooner or later a whole lot of folks would be coming back here to see why they keep getting emails from APSense.
2 - Post at least 2 -3 original blogs or discussions a week
3 - Rate at least 5 business centers each day, leave a testimonial while you are there(equals more exposure and gratitude for you)
4 - You see that what my friends are doing widget in the bottom right corner?(You will need to add some friends for this to work!) When you are on the site and you see someone post a comment, blog or discussion....go check it out, Top it if you like it..leave your opinion in a comment. People Love Attention and Getting FEEDBACK on their work
5 - Enjoy the whole experience! Don't be afraid of being wrong or making a mistake, just be willing to learn and not to quick to judge anyone else.
If you have any questions, insight or tips, please add them in a comment, as for me, Tired and aching head....Bush Man Out!
Professor Nagret Yang from the University of Chicago has claimed for many years that the majority of citizens worldwide have been seriously affected by this condition known as S.S.I.T.A. Disorder, a serious rectal condition known to affect behavioral patterns and cause considerable discomfort especially while walking.
His miracle exploratory procedure C.R.T.S. has helped thousands worldwide to feel incredible relief and enabled many to walk without clenching their butt cheeks.
"This will inevitably bring peace to the world!" exclaimed Dr. Gany Tenrag. "People will finally come to realize that we are all indeed created equal, that no one is better than anyone else for any reason what so ever. As more people experience the relief of this procedure people will also begin to see that it is not necessary for us all to agree on everything, but that there is actually much joy to be experienced in the act of healthy debate and in coming to terms with certain truths that we can all come to respect, love and cherish! Others will be happy to finally just have the stick removed out of their butt."
It is expected that as time goes on much more of humanity will begin to indulge in the Creative Thought Process and begin persueing and living the lives of their desired choosing
Reporting from the middle of no where in the Bush, Garnet Nagy
This Blog is intended as a Fun look at humanity and creative forms of marketing. If you have a problem with it, please just tell me so!
Update - April 3 2008
What started out as a mere joke on one of Jeff Greene's aka Peaceful's blogs has spiraled into something else entirely. For several months now I have witnessed many members within the community making statements in regards to the lack of activity lately and for the most part have agreed as I have felt and experienced it myself. This blog itself is proof simply because as I write this update the response so far is not anywhere near what I would have seen 5 months ago! What is quite interesting to note is many of these same members have stated they have always felt APSense was the Best Business Social Network around, period.
Again I must agree with these feelings for many reasons as not only have I experienced many of the other networks firsthand and to put it quite bluntly I did not see near the business tools, resources, community spirit, interactivity or plain old RAW TALENT that is present here!
This being said, it is not like this community does not have it's 'problems' or anything(like new members spamming us or just really not understanding Web 2.0), but if you are in fact human I would expect that you would know by now that 'problems' are a mere part of life, heck we all have them! As far as I'm concerned way too many ordinary, good and decent people trying to run a home-based business have been led on by this false pretense that everything must appear completely and utterly perfect,when really all too often these little difficulties turn out to be the best part, especially once you overcome them!
Now, I am a little biased in my opinions here as APSense is where I got what I would consider "My Big Break" as after several months searching and learning off a quiet, lonely internet that seemed to harbor no signs of human inhabitance I finally came into contact with real people who held valuable knowledge and were giving of it! Furthermore, I did go on to build some powerful relationships with other professionals and am currently involved in several projects including one major one which I and many others expect to bring some significant change to the internet but even thats not the main point here.
You see, I am average guy, nobody special at all. I have no one major talent and carry only a general knowledge of the internet and the different things that have been or that could be done. If I was still trying to build my business by myself I suspect I would be in the same boat I was a year ago(and trust me, that was nowhere near where I am today!) I have not made a million dollars yet, but I am proud to call myself a member of this community and as a result of networking and much experimentation here, a True Online Entrepreneur.
Over the next several days I will be taking the time to contact every single one of my contacts within APSense and asking them to kindly visit this posting and leave their remarks. I am also contacting a few members who have written articles which I feel should be recommended reading for everyone in the community and asking their permission to post links to their writings here as a guide to anyone wishing to know how to best utilise everything this community has to offer.
More than anything, please understand this is our community, and what we do with it is strictly up to us, the members and this is exactly what makes it a great experience, it is ours! Whats more is as a community you have a great opportunity to network and ask several others about any program out there before jumping into it and getting scammed! My hope would be you would choose any program with the utmost care and be darn sure it is suited to you, again this is just one of many available perspective's!
And yes, I do tend to get a little carried away joking around from time to time but I assure you everything I have stated in this update is accurate to the best of my knowledge and is part of something that has evolved as the result of the efforts of many many great people.
There is simply no way I can say or shed light on everything that has already been said by myself and others several times over already.Please take the time to read through all the comments everyone has had to offer, All Feedback is Appreciated.
Update - April 4 2008
It has been 3 days since the original posting of this blog and today has already begun to prove more active not only on this blog but around the community which allows me to demonstrate a certain point. By merely taking the time to contact a few people I have received direct results to this blog, and I haven't even got started yet! Also there are some people who I have not yet contacted that are beginning to trickle in. The point is simple, By being ACTIVE and spending a fraction of my time communicating with(and listening to) other people I have received my desired results!
Do not be confused, I am not 'tooting my own horn' as obviously none of this is possible without the generosity of others. It is only when we work together that we will see the action we are all looking for. I think everyone who has stopped by so far already understands this, Really appreciated guys and gals, thank you for all your feedback, support and especially for your generosity! Again, this whole process is evolving as is the rest of APSense, anyways I am still waiting to hear from some folks who have written great articles, especially for newbies wondering where the heck to start, but I have gotten the go ahead from a couple folks so here it goes:
Useful Articles From The Community
Please note, these articles are all written by different authors from different perspectives and will provide some general insight into a few different styles and techniques as well as some technical information and are intended strictly as helpful material. Feel free to use them to the fullest and I strongly recommend you take the time to read the feedback others have left on them too, please just don't try to copy them and claim them as your own!
There is no "carbon copy" guide or path to success and the best road to success can only be the one you decide upon, enjoy!
What Are We Doing Here Anyways? Really? Always Good To Know!
A useful list of APSense How To articles. - APSense HelpGreat Technical Help For People Like Me Who Don't Know Crap About Computers.
These are the Steps to get your Blog Topped / Attention Newbies Another Community Favorite! Great Tips...
More to come....All Feedback Is Still Very Much Appreciated!
Update April 5 2008
Slowly working my way through my contact list today, see a couple of them even made it here so apparently they got my message and they must feel they want to develope a business relationship with me as I politely requested if they were not interested in building a business relationship to remove from their contact list...I mean honestly, whats the point of being contacts if you never have any damn contact?
Anyways, the bigger issue here is I am also asking everyone to leave their feedback to no avail....Perhaps I should be more specific!
If you have any tips on how to use this damn site more effectively or on Web 2.0 in general kindly drop them here please!
Thank you.
In case you couldn't's been a long day and I'm getting sick of having to spell everything out myself, but those who leave their remarks will get noticed(another tip?)
All other feedback is still appreciated too.
Update April 6 2008
Today had proven most interesting. I have now sent the following message to roughly 100 of my contacts(I started out sending everyone a unique message but after roughly the first 20 I wrote a generic one and added additional remarks to the ones I sent to people I already have established some kind of relationship with...(Phew! What a mouthful!) The results have been somewhat mixed, I have received response from nearly 20 was a totally blatant ad who obviously never even read my damn message...others have expressed an interest in building a business relationship on a basic understanding that we are not looking to join each others opportunities, but can likely instead help each other in other ways and that The Future is Wide Open with Possibilities, Heck! Who knows? Right??
Here is the message I have been sending(I may change it a little tomorrow in which case I will update with results!), ubb code has been left in because I am lazy dammit!:
Hi _____
I am going through the tedious task of sorting through my contact list to see who is actually interested in building a business relationship and who is simply dead weight on my contact list for no apparent reason.
I have started an [url=]interactive blog dedicated as a guide to APSense and Web 2.0 in general[/url], please stop by and leave your heartfelt remarks...even if it's telling me I suck..LOL
If you have no interest in communicating and building a business relationship please remove me from your contact list, thanks.
Garnet Nagy [url][/url]
Just an additional note, I do expect more response from the one's I have sent already as I know some of these people have a routine or schedule they use and only stop by so often to check messages..etc. I am also looking extremely forward to getting to know the new friends I made today better and building mutually benefical relationships that will last well into the future.
*Final Update*April 9 2008
I am going to start with some basic numbers tonight.
I contacted 150 of my contacts with the message I posted in my last update. 21 people responded directly to me, roughly half of which I believe actually visited the blog, very few left remarks, some gave good feedback and others just tried to sign me up for some scheme without even paying attention to anything I had to say.
I also suspect some of the mail will get opened eventually as I do know many who only stop here every few months and check mail...results will probably be similiar and if I had to guess I'd say maybe 10 or 15 people will react in some way to my message.(actually one just did as I am typing this, Thanks Inaki!)
As I have not had a response from the person I requested permission from to link a certain article to this blog(and as I feel it needs re-writing to adjust for changes to APSense since it's posting), I am going to leave a few tips and suggestions on how to get things moving around all can do whatever you want with them.
Here it goes(excuse me if it's boring):
The first and most obvious step any new member should take is filling out their profile and upload a picture of themselves. You should not copy and paste adverts, but try to be original and not worry so much about your appearance or looking stoopid, in fact the only thing you should be worried about if anything at all is what/who you are...and why you are here.
Next you should probably take some time to explore and see what others are doing or have done, eventually you will want to start blogging and maybe even a group(I suggest ONE group, something original and suited to your interests, and remember you can always change or add to it as you go). The links above in the April 4th update will provide some insight here too.
1 - Everyday add at least 20 new contacts. Whenever someone approves you or you approve them immediately send them a message to say thanks and hello. Tell them about yourself and what you are doing here. More than anything, Make your intentions absolutely clear!! A welcome letter I might send would look something like this(*hint* Keep a copy in a notepad or word document and paste it in a message, I suggest you add a personal touch for each individual):
"Hi Bob,
Thanks for accepting my contact invite. I see from your profile you LOVE horseback riding, I rode a horse once when I was 12, got bucked off an nearly broke my neck..LOL
I am here to meet other serious business people, learn all I can and offer help whenever I can. My Main business is helping people develop their mindset and sound business plans. I show them how to implement the plans for their home business, it's a lot of dull and boring stuff compared to all the hype you see out there!
Anyways, I am here to help and keep this an OPEN COMMUNITY where anyone can learn and do safe business, feel free to give me a shout anytime. If I can't help you I'll do my best to point you in the right direction.
Garnet Nagy
Co-Founder - Beginners Marketing Class(306)873-8491
P.S. Hope to hear back from you and more about what you do soon!"
Now, hopefully if Bob is any kind of networker or decent person, he would quickly respond, tell you a bit about himself, ask you a couple questions and maybe even encourage you to someday go horseback riding again.Also, if everyone practiced this sooner or later a whole lot of folks would be coming back here to see why they keep getting emails from APSense.
2 - Post at least 2 -3 original blogs or discussions a week
3 - Rate at least 5 business centers each day, leave a testimonial while you are there(equals more exposure and gratitude for you)
4 - You see that what my friends are doing widget in the bottom right corner?(You will need to add some friends for this to work!) When you are on the site and you see someone post a comment, blog or discussion....go check it out, Top it if you like it..leave your opinion in a comment. People Love Attention and Getting FEEDBACK on their work
5 - Enjoy the whole experience! Don't be afraid of being wrong or making a mistake, just be willing to learn and not to quick to judge anyone else.
If you have any questions, insight or tips, please add them in a comment, as for me, Tired and aching head....Bush Man Out!
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