There is a new target on my scam alert radar!

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
1563 Pageviews
Okay I have set my sights on the Gifting programs.  These are those "new" pyramid schemes that promise you all this wealth if you join then get a few friends to join and end the end everyone is wealthy, not.

First of all strip away of the charitable hype and you have a Pyramid scheme.  The only funds in these programs is being collected from the gullible marks that fall for it.  You are promised say $16,000 and the buy in is $250.  How many others do you need to recruit to get the $16,000 and lets say it is a one up matrix.  The first person you recruit pays your sponsor not you.  That's 65 people you need to recruit.  But remember when you recruit them you are promising them that same $16,000..

Gifting programs are nothing more than illegal pyramid schemes.

Now Let me say this there are some legitimate gifting programs out there they are called charities.  You give a gift to an organization to perform their duties, there is no monetary return for you unless you want to take advantage of the tax deductible status of your gift.  A gifting program activates the greed center of the brain.  You are putting this money into it expecting to get rich.

Yes someone will get rich, but it won't be you unless your are the scammer that created the program!

I ran across his young man's rant and just had to share it here.  Please feel free to direct any of you less than brilliant friends to watch.  I forwarded it to my friend and hopefully she will get it now.  By the way the program he describes sounds a lot like the Jaguar Marketing system!