TMI Affiliate Income Opportunity Review

Posted by Steven Egu
774 Pageviews

When it comes to two tier affiliate opportunities, it is very hard to find quality high paying programs. Webmasters, bloggers, and internet marketers are constantly on the lookout for new affiliate programs which offer high commissions that they can sign up for and promote on their sites. Opportunities like the TMI affiliate opportunity are extremely hard to come by in terms of quality, and availability of product. Having a tangible high tech product on your affiliate website such as communications products can greatly enhance your page and its perceived degree of professionalism.

The TMI opportunity is a true two tier affiliate program. What this means is you have one available level beneath you in which you can refer other webmasters, and affiliate program earners. On this level you earn a 10% override commission on sales your referred affiliates make. You do however, at the same time make 35%, or $50 per cellular phone or device that you personally activate. This can quickly add up, and TMI offers a very lucrative bonus structure to add even more earning power to their affiliate program. If you are able to activate 10-19 cellular phones in one month with the TMI wireless opportunity, you earn an extra $8 on each phone sold. If you are able to activate 20+ phones, you qualify for the second rate of commission and earn a whopping $15 per phone activated. This can easily add up to hundreds, if not thousands of dollars per month.

TMI Wireless also provides their affiliates with very powerful marketing tools right from the start. One of the most powerful tools being the Personal referral website, which differs greatly from other affiliate program websites you may have seen. The TMI Wireless affiliate website is loaded with customization abilities, you can upload your own name and logo, or your own welcome page and they even offer the ability for their affiliates to register their own domains and run their own affiliate websites. This offers fantastic affiliate ability for affiliates to brand themselves. Affiliates are also given a slew of offline advertising tools such as flyer’s, and promotions that can be printed out and used for off line advertising. And for those affiliates who don’t have their own domain, but want to simplify the process of referring new customers by word of mouth, the TMI Wireless Opportunity offers a customers website where the affiliate can direct offline customers with their affiliate promotional code that the customer must use to access the site. This is especially helpful if you are utilizing old print advertising or are running the business out of a home office and want to build up a large local clientele. When you also consider the 365 day cookies, and the extremely detailed affiliate backoffice details that are updated to the minute, you quickly realize you have a very powerful opportunity.

Another great benefit to the TMI Wireless Affiliate Opportunity is the fact that its no cost to get started. Being an affiliate program, there is nothing to pay out of pocket to become a member. An affiliate only needs to go to their webpage and sign up. If worked as a serious business, The TMI Wireless Opportunity can yield great rewards and prove to be highly beneficial over the career of an affiliate marketer.

You may visit the TMI Wireless Affiliate Website by clicking here.