A FREE enterprise dating solution to fit your ideas, plans and financial expectations. Create your own template, branded or White Label Dating solution to a market of your choice with intelligent information and marketing tools and ongoing real-time analytical data to ensure you succeed – Helping affiliates and businesses thrive worldwide. The Highest Industry Payouts The Highest Industry Payouts Exceptional conversion and retention rates means you get more with WDP than any other affiliate system... White Label Solutions White Label Solutions Completely independent and bespoke dating solutions for affiliates and blue chip companies alike... True Custom Niche Sites True Custom Niche Sites Create fully populated sites in any niche that you define from members criteria... Branded Sites Branded Sites Our team of designers create your own site tailored to any new or existing brand of your choice... Advanced Data Admin Advanced Data Admin Complete management of your sites, plus banner campaigns, all accessible through your admin area... Template Sites Template Sites Professionally designed modular sites that can be operational within just 5 minutes... Conversion Analytics Conversion Analytics An array of analytical tools and in-depth traffic statistics with email notifications at your fingertips...  Security Security Superior technologies and security standards via an Oracle enterprise database, plus advanced anti-fraud facilities and manual checks for every new member profile... Multi-Language Platform Multi-Language Platform World Dating Partners creates and runs dating sites and business-to-business solutions in multiple languages... Multi-Portal Platform Multi-Portal Platform Multiply your revenue streams and cross-selling opportunities by promoting different portals with separate databases... Multi-Currency Facilities Multi-Currency Facilities WDP enables you to operate in 31 currencies, and accept all major credit cards, direct debits, e-giro payments and ELV's...

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