Motive is a force which operates on the human will, causes it to act. In terms of promoting the business , we might say that when a promoter makes his article , presentation to a prospective group of people , he bases his thrust on whatever will cause the receptors to buy.

Three Basic appeals to motive are :

    1.   Appeal to Instinct

    2.   Appeal to Emotion

    3.   Appeal to Reason

    The appeals which cause most people to buy their primary needs like : food, clothings and shelter are fall into the first group, though in lesser degree they may find expression in the other two.

    All beautiful things in the world that are desirable because of their beauty may be sold through appeals made under the second heading -- emotion.

    Love, marriage, and religion deal largely in appeals that are emotional.

    Many goods and services are sold on emotional appeal. education, books, the theater, music and art , life insurance, advertising, cosmetics, luxuries, toys are among the many things that are all sold on emotional appeal.

    Investments, savings, mechanical appliances, business machines, and scientific works often change hands by appeals to reason.

    There are ten basic motives to which people respond, and which -- singly or in combinations -- influence practically every human thought and deed. When the Master Promoter catagorizes his prospective buyer, he looks first for the most logical motive with which he may influence the buyer's mind, and bases his appeal on this knowledge.

    The ten basic motives are :


1) The desire for self-preservation.

2) The desire for financial gain.

3) The desire for love.

4) The desire for sex.

5) The desire for power and fame.

6) The desire to overcome fear.

7) The desire for revenge.

8) The desire for freedom (of body and mind).

9) The desire to build and create in thought and material.

10) Pity for the unfortunate. 


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