Xtreme Wealth Online #10 - So If AdSense Is Dead Then What?

Posted by Mike
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I've been following this latest fantastic little adventure in internet marketing with a great deal of interest. And the talk about the "Death of Google AdSense" isn't something new I must say. Mainly, the big time players (these are NOT the most Internet Marketing Gurus) have spreading this rumor around.

Now, you can take this several ways. It is possible to construct a more, or less viable business model around AdSense. But, you need to have a lot more resources than most people who try AdSense as a main income source have.

I'm sorry, but this is a reality. For the most (by which I mean somewhere between 95 and 98% of the people putting AdSense sites up), It's nothing more than penny scraping - and it's hard now, and getting harder as time goes on. Sure, you can build "topic sites" with targeted content?.

And AdSense content ads still pay decent money in competitive markets - the problem is that competitive markets are difficult to get high ranking in search engines, and therefore good traffic coming in for it to work.

The major problem most publishers face is that they don't do the work. They slap up a site, grab a template with a bunch of crummy content and "HOPE" they'll make a buck or 50 cents a day. Now that's just nuts.

CPA (click per action), particularly for decent leads has generally always paid substantially more than something like AdSense. It's something you can establish a stable long-term business on. As long as you can get the traffic.

You can, certainly get traffic through PPC. You can also lose your shirt. It's not a newbie game for sure. If you're going to do PPC, you have got to do some serious studying and start tracking everything very closely, or you can go broke in a short time scale.

Think about this: Say I do a monster hot viral deal and bag 27,000 marketers. And I turn them onto CPA at places that pay me a commission on sign-up, and a small percentage of the business those new affiliates bring in. Now, we're talking a little serious continuity. Month after month I'm getting a little bit from the efforts of what - 1000, 8000, 12000 people? Bring me another one of those funky drinks with the umbrella, the sun is strong and the beach is beautiful.

Is that worth 50 cents per? I suspect so. And eventually, there's going to be one or more "dyn-o-mite products" with major price tags too.

Boy, I'm seriously jealous. We're talking genuine genius stuff here. You see, it doesn't matter a damn whether AdSense is dead or not. A new path can be worth a fortune to those who didn't have a clue - and who are willing to do the learning, and the work to make it happen. Most won't do this of course. It's a lot of work, but some will and they should do very well because of it.

In one sense, AdSense has always been dead. You're throwing away your traffic for pennies. And it's a lot of work to get ANY traffic in the first place.

But for most, CPA is going to be a dangerous and potentially ruinous game. It sounds terrific, but nobody's telling you how to get those PPC costs for your landing pages, from maybe 5 or 10 bucks per click to more.

There are some brilliant, knowledgeable, capable people out there running around loose who do give out valuable information. They aren't stupid and know their stuff. That means they do it for a reason. You can use their information to improve your business, but you absolutely have to get a grip on their goals too. You have to understand not only what you're doing and why.

Your going to have to stop believing blindly everything that sounds terrific and use your own head and actually think for yourself.