Google Adsense, as you all may well know, can make a fantastic secondary income, or if you decide to run a large site, a fairly decent main income using Google Adsense alone - if you know how to do it of course. But what is the right way, and the wrong way of utilizing Google Adsense?

The basic generic elements to utilizing Adsense are: Content, display ads, and getting traffic. That's not so hard I hear you say, Right? Well, what seems so simple can be very deceptively difficult at times. Granted, it's not hard if you have the facts and knowledge to hand. People like Joel Comm and Michael Cheney have perfected Google Adsense through experimentation and testing on their own websites - to end up making a very nice income from Google Adsense alone. But as you might have already notice, their site are based around quality content, and a set theme.

You can experiment and test things yourself (start with Ad format tutorials found using the Google search engine), or you can get Joel Comm or Michael Cheney's eBooks to help you achieve your goal a little quicker. But no matter which way you go, via your own experimentation or with the help of aids bought from Guru's. Remember to follow the basic rules of Google Adsense.

Let me emphasize quality content for a start - because some people are inundating the Internet with what some people call: "Junk" websites, which by the way, are websites that offer less then quality content with the sole purpose of only getting clicks.

In fact, in my forum travels around the internet, I read a post where a webmaster was giving up "his/her" website. Even though it had made around $10,000 (because of all the hoopla about Adsense sites). What was my first initial question about this? Does, or did this person have a junk site and was dropped by Google Adsense - or did this person's income flat-line all of a sudden?

Creating an Adsense site using things like "Article Crawling Machines", or other automated article systems. Is what Michael Cheney's says is "like trying to build a brick house without any mortar". These systems may get you up-and-running fast in the short term, but running a business in that manner can definitely put your sense of accomplishment right down the toilet, and give your website, or business website a short lifespan.

Can you create a website with quality content and make good money with Adsense. Yes, certainly you can. Google gives numerous examples of quality content with the use of Adsense. For example; look at This is a quality website that pulls in $1400 a day in Adsense income alone.

So, if your looking for longevity on the web, go with a theme that interests you and post quality content. Then you won't need hundreds of websites, or thousands of pages. Then you can build your traffic up slowly and still get a viable income, while keeping both your credibility and integrity intact.

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