So you think you know how to make a big fortune using the top paying "Adsense Keywords" do you? You've done lot's of reading, detailed research, and scoured the internet until your fingers bled to the bone on the topic. And now, you "know" the best way to make it rich with Google Adsense is by choosing a combination of the "Top Paying Keywords". Then simply build a site around them. Yeah baby, you've cracked it, your the man - your going to be the next adsense millionaire in 12 months time.

Well of course you are, what a very clever person you are, in fact your the "first person" to even think of doing this (THINK AGAIN). Guess what, I'll be the next millionaire also, selling blue bananas with pink spots. Ha,ha!

Let me say right now - Stop! and get that silly little idea out your head. If only it was that "simple" we'd all be doing it. Ask yourself one logical question, why doesn't everybody else who uses adsense do it then? Because we've all thought about it at some point, even me!

The reason why we don't do it - is simply because, we all know that many other people out there already do it, and have been doing so for many years. And to get a high ranking in Google (out of the millions of other sites already covering these same top paying keywords), is next to impossible. It also means, your now up against the big boyswith your tiny little pathetic site! Also ask yourself another question: Why would the top paying "Advertisers" want to display their very expensive keywords on your site (which they pay big bucks for), when they can advertise themselves on the largest sites on the internet that get millions of visits per day covering those same top keywords.

Now are you starting to get the picture? And starting to understand why we don't even bother trying to compete for these top paying keywords. Instead, your best option is to try and find a "topic" that's not well covered on the internet (which is a very hard thing to do these days), or at the very least - try and find an obscure topic which may be covered by a few websites - but not with quality content as such. Now you just might have hit it big. The thing to do now is research the top paying keywords for that obscure topic, and then build a large site around it (filled with quality content, that you update on a regular bases). If you follow this method, you stand a much better chance of being ranked as the top site in the top search engines, which in turn means you get the top advertisers wanting to come to your site, meaning you have a good chance of making good money from those all important top adsense keywords (that your site covers).

The moral of my article is this. Don't chase the get rich quick "pipe dreams". Instead use your brain, that's why god gave it you!

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