Widgets are everywhere and you can include them in
almost all types of web pages (static pages, portals, blogs, social
networks, etc…). Widget popularity grows, esspecialy with Web 2.0
applications and services.
But what is a widget? There are a lot of definitions (wikipedia):
Widget (web):
“portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilationâ€
Widget (web):
“portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilationâ€
Widget (GUI):
“a component of a graphical user interface that the user interacts withâ€
“a component of a graphical user interface that the user interacts withâ€
Widget (mobile):
“a third party item that can be embedded in a mobile deviceâ€
“a third party item that can be embedded in a mobile deviceâ€
Widget (engine):
“engine, such as Dashboard widgets for Apple’s Mac OS X v10.4, Windows Vista Sidebar, or Yahoo! Widgets (aka Konfabulator)â€
“engine, such as Dashboard widgets for Apple’s Mac OS X v10.4, Windows Vista Sidebar, or Yahoo! Widgets (aka Konfabulator)â€

if we turn back into web history (few years, not more, heh…), we know
that main web sites ( MSN, AOL, Yahoo, etc…) were portals or gateways,
offering a range of services and a lot of content for users. That sites
aims to be a major starting points for web users and that’s the reason
why they aggregate content in portal. The average web user few years
ago was a kind of consumer (like for TV and magazines) and content
creation for web was very specialized IT work. But things changed
grown up. A lot of PC’s in every home, mobile devices everywhere.
Content and web services become open, content creation is much easier
(blogs, personal pages, social networks), storage and bandwidth is
cheap (comparing with past years).
you can see, these are pre-conditions for Web 2.0 also. So, if we go to
start of this post where we have definitions for widget, we can
genneraly simplify all that definitions: Widget is a kind of web 2.0
service and content container which allow us to aggregate and share
content for blogs and social networks. Just a new tool with a new value for your business.
For site owners, widgets are new elements which offer a way to create new inventory and very interesting targeting opportunities. What this mean? Well, offering a widget on page means that you can concentrate specific content in a small piece of code or, let’s say, you have new product or service.
For site owners, widgets are new elements which offer a way to create new inventory and very interesting targeting opportunities. What this mean? Well, offering a widget on page means that you can concentrate specific content in a small piece of code or, let’s say, you have new product or service.
For content creators,
widgets are a new way for distributing and share content cross the web
and drive traffic back. And we must know that nowadays a lot of content
on the web is UGC - user generated content and we, users, can share
content with widgets. For example, all web videos, photos, RSS feeds,
practically all multimedia which is offered for sharing is distributed
and presented by widgets. Just copy&paste a small piece of code and
you can have a blog or social network profile page full of content.

I opened here at ApSense the group called Crazy World Of Widgets, with intent to present ApSense users practical examples and implementation of widgets in blog posts or any other web sites. So, go there, research and use this snipplets of code for your own purposes.
Check my blog WidgetMania! with more than 50 widget blog implementation examples or my mySpace profile, my Yuwie , Lazzeo or Pageflakes profile where I put a lot of widgets.
Some cool widget creator and aggregator sites: WidgetBox, Sniperoo Widget Directory, Tagworld Widgets, Widgipedia....
Check my blog WidgetMania! with more than 50 widget blog implementation examples or my mySpace profile, my Yuwie , Lazzeo or Pageflakes profile where I put a lot of widgets.
Some cool widget creator and aggregator sites: WidgetBox, Sniperoo Widget Directory, Tagworld Widgets, Widgipedia....
And one video example for today:
How To Use a Collection Widget:
This is a tutorial on how to use a REVVER.com collection widget script.
How To Use a Collection Widget:
This is a tutorial on how to use a REVVER.com collection widget script.
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