Have you ever felt like you lived in a box...literally? Physically seen the 'walls closing in on you'?
Well, I sure have! But in life I have learned to think, live, and love thinking out of the box!
Man, it sure is fun!! So many things that would of made me do everything but my head spin around spitting out pea soup (I know I have seen this comment in other places here..and have just laughed..because I have been accused of this from my mother). Anger once tried to have full blown control over me. I have a past of abuse, hurt, resentment..and I still have those crazy little demons try to come into my life! And it tried to control me. With that came misery, and a life of .....well nothing!
Life in this past year has shown me a full life of HAPPINESS..and it is controlling me! I am addicted....GIVE ME MORE!!!
Happy people.....give me my FIX!! The more I get it..the more I want it!