Did you hear on the news about the lady who lost 500#'s

Posted by Cindy Bolley
706 Pageviews

The other day on the news they were telling about a lady that lost over 500#.

I think she must have belonged to a wonderful community such as APSense

because she was able to achieve that remarkable weight loss due to the

encouragement of people that she has met online.

I can only assume that it was a place such a ASPense because of the many

articles I read and the responses that are given.


The other day when this place was down for upgrades I found myself like a

lost puppy. I am sure many of you felt the same. A social network such as APSense

is a great place to share idea but I have received much encouragement in many things that I

have posted as well.

My mother-in-law has moved in with us. She had been in a nursing home for a year after

suffering a stroke. We are tossing the idea around of getting her a lap top for Christmas.

It is very difficult for her to get out now that it is cold here in Michigan. I am sure she could

pass the time playing cards on the computer but I can't help but think that getting her

into a community like this would do wonders for her.  I am sure she could tap with one hand.

This was a lady who was very active and then one day her whole world changed.  Not only

is she here with us but we moved her many many miles from all of her friends. If a lady could

loss 500# communicating with people from all over the world, I can't help but think this would

be wonderful for someone to pass the time of day, and keep active and involved.

Sounds like a plan to me.

I hear Dell has Pink lap tops for $800.00. I have already hinted to Santa to buy 2.

