Negative Comments Can Be Constructive - But Not Always
There has been some controversy over debating, and good coming from negative posting. Well, it is true that some good may come from negative posting. If it is done in a constuctive manner and offers possible solutions.
The negative posting I am referring to is....just negative with no redeeming content. It just says things like...You can't, You won't, You never will.... this doesn't solve anything.
I have seen posts like this about APSense. Like you can't earn... that is silly we all earn and many have been paid (I even posted proof). Or you can't make sales here at APSense... hmmm another false statement. I can only speak for myself, but my business has really expanded since joining APSense. These are just negative statements that serve absolutely no purpose.
These are not constructive, nor do they leave any room open for debate or discussing possible solutions. You can be on the opposite side of the fence about a topic, but, show some proof that your statements are true. Or offer a plausible solution or compromise to the issue at hand.
These kind of comments do not answer a question. So they offer no help and add no content to the discussion or blog. Also they make the person leaving such comments come across very negative. And we all know it is best to surround yourself with positive people.
Sure you can be negative, but try to follow it with something constructive.