We are being overrun by these at times disagreeable creatures called NIMBY's.  What are NIMBY"s?  These are folks that constantly complain about a situation but don't want to be a  part of the solution.  Their rallying cry is "Not In My Back Yard". 

These are the people who complain about criminals walking the streets, but don't want a prison within 100 miles of their home.  They moan about the homeless, but don't you dare suggest opening a shelter in the same county.  They want the airport convenient but please redirect all flights paths.  Why they've even complained about kids not having anything to do and they are the first ones to ban young people from their establishments.

It was not always that way though.  NIMBY's started off as a line of defense against danger and just evolved into the Grinch-like creatures of today.  The ancient NIMBY was usually fighting against an environmental hazard that put themselves and their neighbors at risk.  It was events such as Three Mile Island and Love Canal that spurred their growth.  But it soon became apparent that the Beneficial NIMBY was being replaced by a selfish greedy strain if NIMBY whose only concern is for themselves.  They still appear to be NIMBY's on the outside,  but inside they are a completely different animal.

When the modern NIMBY tells you that they don't want a prison near them, it's not because of the concern of escaped convicts but because it could affect their property values.  When they tell you they don't want a homeless shelter it's because they are worried someone might ask them for a dime.  They don't want the airport near their home because the planes are too noisy.  And they don't want kids around because they could be part of a gang.

The sad part is that modern NIMBY"S are so prevalent in politics and lobbying today that when a true good spirited NIMBY comes along, the cause can be lost among the selfish griping of his modern cousins.

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