Natural Cures: Your Alternative to Drugs & Surgery

Posted by Jack Terran
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In chapter 5 (pages 72 & 73)of Kevin Trudeau's book: NATURAL CURES "THEY" DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT, Kevin lists the four causes of all illness. When one finds the causes of their illness, one can treat it more effectively. I will give a brief explanation of these causes along with the reasons behind them.

The reasons you are sick are as follows:

1. You catch something and your body can't fight it off, therefore you succumb to the "germs."

2. Your body develops something in the genetically weak areas first.

In both of the above cases the causes are the same.

A. Your immune system is weak.

B. Toxins are attacking your body.

These are the only four causes of why your immune system could be weak or why genetically weak areas in the body break down first.

1. You have too many toxins in your body:Anything that you see, hear, touch, taste, breathe in, apply, ingest, and/or receive can positively or negatively affect the overall toxicity of your body for better or worse.

2. You have nutritional deficiencies:The majority of diseases are simply nutritional deficiencies of some sort. The overall toxicity of your body will also affect the assimilation of nutrients as well as your immune responses.

3. You're exposed & negatively affected by electromagnetic chaos:Your body's cells also energetically vibrates at certain frequencies which can be negatively affected by the various amounts of electromagnetic frequencies out there.. It can comes from various sources such as satellites, radar, cell phone & towers, high-tension power lines, electric wiring, computer, TV, Radio, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, as well as other people.

4. You have trapped mental & emotional stress:Thoughts are things. Your attitude & mindset towards life itself as well as the people you associate with and the lifestyles one chooses can all have effects on your stress level.

Too much toxins in your body comes down to these factors.

1. What goes into the body:Weather its food, drinks, drugs, air, sounds, ideas, images, cloths, other fluids, personal hygiene products, cleaning products etc...

2. What comes out of the body: This will be a good indicator of not only your own health, but how efficiently your body is getting rid of toxins

3. Exercise: Any physical activity will often increase the rate at which toxins leave your body as well as plenty of other benefits.

4. Rest:This enables the body to repair, recuperate, de-stress any accumulated toxins during ones daily activities. The quality of sleep you get will also determine your susceptibility to the next days stress & toxins as well.

5. Thoughts: You Are What You Think. Your thoughts & attitudes towards life will also dramatically affect your stress & toxicity levels as well as susceptibility to illness.

6. What you say:What you're saying is what you're thinking. This can have a great effect on how people treat you back. Think The Golden Rule, The Law of Cause & Effect, The Boomerang Effect.

Kevin Trudeau is a very controversial figure with a shady past which he's already made amends for. I don't agree with all his fear mongering conspiracy like theories & stories. He has a tendancy to repeat certain points over & over again including his disclaimer. It would take a very disciplined person to follow through on some of his advice including the Simeon's weight loss solution. He is very passionate about with what he does though. No matter what one thinks of Kevin personally, the information & references he provides in his books & website are rock solid.

Keep in mind that its never in the governments best interest to solve problems, but to perpetuate them at a higher cost to your personal & economic liberties & lives; while keeping those political people in power & securing the ever increasing inefficient public sector jobs for there employees. It's time to become informed. Positive Awareness is the key to liberating us all.

For further detailed information about this feel free to read his other books: More Natural Cures Revealed & The Weight Loss Cure.You can also subscribe to his informative website. There's a free 30 day trial offer with a $9.95 per month fee after that. Check out his website linked below. Enjoy ^__^