Don't get me wrong.. I have two wonderful boys, that I will very soon post a blog about.  But my daughter.  She is me made all over.....and I see her as my second chance.
I almost lost her twice.  Once when she was a few days old...and once two weeks before her 2nd birthday. 
She has been God's wake up call to me...and how precious life really is!
I have some really really great news to share.

Well in June, my family and I had an unexpected move.  Where for a few months it meant us staying with family members *by the way a few of them made me feel like the red headed step child*...but any how.  I do appreciate the ahem...hospitality that I gave to them *did the cleaning cooking...and bought the groceries*..but man was I so ever glad to be in my own home.  By the way these are my soon to be in law in laws.  If I went all into would think ....JERRY SPRINGER!
Trust me, I don't raise my kids around that mess and won't allow it into my home.  So..during this move I made a very HARD decision. 
I left Kaleigh's dad back in 2004.  It was a very complicated, abusive marriage.  It finally took me until last year to allow her dad back into her life.  Although he was a great father to her...he was a horrible husband to me.  *which means he really wasn't all that great as a father*...but you know.
Well, during this move I decided that since he has been showing great feed back to her, and she was really coming out of her shell*she was SCARED to death of men up until this past year*
He went through his anger management classes...and a few short visits the past year had ended up full weekends with him.
So my fear of her time with him....he proved there was nothing to fear.
So his life has been together....
I was not about to put my daughter through the staying with family...bull crap.
During this time, I decided that it would be best if Kaleigh stayed with him.
The move took a little longer than anticipated, and so school was starting.  This was going to be Kaleigh's first year in pre-k.  I had her registered in the county we were living in.  But our move had taken us to a different county.
Pre-k is not required in the state of Georgia.  I am not sure about any other state.  It here is based on a first come first serve.
Really ridiculous if you ask me...especially when Georgia is huge on the No child left behind Act.....
THAT is another blog in itself.
All of this meant...I had to put Kaleigh on a 'waiting list' here in the county I am now residing in.
Well, there were openings in the county her father lived in.  Kaleigh was so excited to start school...I just could not take that away with her.  So I agreed that she could start school there, until an opening came up here.

All in all...I was anticipating the #4 that she was on the list...would happen immediately.  Boy was I wrong.  So it has been now 4 months, my everything....I have had to live without during the weeks.  I get her on the weekends.  I have been so lost, so depressed...but happy as long as she is happy.
WELL GREAT NEWS!  I went and filled out all the paperwork here at the pre-k this week.  Her opening FINALLY CAME UP!!!  She is coming back fill her empty room during the week!!!  These past few months have been the longest I have gone through!
I am so excited!!!!
Ask....and thou SHALL RECEIVE!
Thank you all of you for your love, support, and most of all....friendship!

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