If you have been around the web for any time now looking at all the Internet Marketers and how fast they can build hundreds of pages and posts in their blogs, I have some information for you!

 99% of them don't write everything you see. What they do is purchase Private Label Rights (PLR) to batches of articles or ebooks in top cash producing niches. That is why I have the massive database of content that I currently own the rights to. I can change them (and you can bet that I do!) add my own promo links inside them, and post them on my own blogs, or even use them for submitting to other blogs or article directories to bring me traffic. It is a great way to get your site noticed and if you install a script or plugin to allow (and encourage) others to comment, the search engines will be hunting your blogs down quick!

Many of you may not know what Alexa is, but my partner and I put up a site and in 24 hours, had our Alexa rating in the 10,000 range - that may not seem like much, but see if YOU can do that in one day! The Main reason I am writing this is I have found a way for you to get 3,465 backlinks to your website(s) and Blog(s) on 33 different PR 3, 4 and 5 established blogs. On top of that, you will get your first batch of 200 PLR articles for you to edit and add your links to.

 Now, this type of deal is not FREE, but for 21 days, it will cost you less than lunch at a fast food joint! On top of the 200 articles, I've also arranged a deal where you can get access to Mike's Article Underground Network of blogs to get MASSIVE backlinks to all of your interior web pages. Now -- these aren't just ANY type of blogs.

 These are blogs with PageRank 3, 4 and 5 over 33 blogs spread across 6 different servers on 6 different webhosts covering some good geographic territory and diversity. You can post short mini-articles, full length articles or even little mini-stories like I write. (haha!)

 Mike allows you to make 5 posts PER domain across the 33 blogs. 33 x 5 = 165 posts per day And Mike is going to give you 21 days of UNLIMITED access to the blog network to post UP TO 3,465 articles with 3,465 backlinks to your sites (and more if you put more than just one link in each posting) ...

 Just head over to this site and get your $9.95 Special and get STARTED! This offer is NOT FOR THE LAZY! You will have to WORK! Edit the articles, add your links and then submit them to the blogs!

You Have 21 Days to get Noticed!

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