I have been watching with interest the negative remarks about Apsense. Although I do not agree with everything that is being said, I respect the author's right to state his/her case.

I am wondering, if a person has such negativity about a program or a community, why would he/she stay here?  I certainly would not waste my valuable time, in something that I do not believe in. I doubt that many of you would.

I would however, like to observe that for those with so much anger, all that negativity has to affect thier business, so why do it? Certainly if your agenda is to improve the community, then there are other venues to accomplish that. But to see a blog with that much negative comment and anger, I have to conclude that this is not a person that I would want to do business with on any level.

Seeing that blog as a lead article disturbs me on many levels. When new members join, I am sorry that they will see that as a lead to the popular blogs. How does that help the community? Of course it does not. How does it help a community grow and improve? It cannot.

Things can only improve when people are listening to each other, not yelling.

For those of us who are enjoying our Apsense experience, I say, lets kill the negativity by showing the kind of people that I believe are the heart of Apsense. Instead of spending time feuding or arguing, let's continue to build and support the Apsense community.

To those who spend their time sharing time, resources and ideas, I say thank you so much...I have grown from your knowledge.

For those whom I have had the opportunity to meet, learn from and form new friendships, I say happy to have the opportunity to spend time with you.

To those spending time directing groups, I say you are the best !

The the founders and owners of Apsense, I say you are bringing the best of the internet to one location. Keep bringing it on! Do not be discouraged. The heart of Apsense is beating strongly.

To those that are unhappy, I respect your right to have your opinion. But please, if you are unhappy here, then move on........A leader teaches others to rise, not to fall.  A true leader builds, not destroys. If you cannot build here, then please, leave it to the rest of us.

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