What are the advantage of being an Administrator with groups
October 18, 2007
What are the advantage of being an Administrator in a group?
I have reviewed all of my groups and edit all of my administrators, l need new members to apply and post a comment on that group on why you would want to become one for this group. Take your time, cause if you do this correctly l will promote all of your work that l like. But you need to be able to handle the task, below....
So when you apply to become an "ADMINISTRATOR" in a group is what l would like to share with our members is what are the advantage and reasons for us to apply to become an "ADMINISTRATOR" of that group.
This is something l feel and honestly believe more members will apply to become an "ADMINISTRATOR" of a group if he or she understand the reasons behind become one. What is involved, what are your duties, what input you need to supply to the other members and administrators.
I see a lot of groups with only one or two administrators, is there an advantage to having more the one administrator. What are the benefits to that person who applies to become an administrator of that group.
As an "ADMINISTRATOR" what are your duties, what do you have to perform, why do you need to have "ADMINISTRATORS WITH YOUR GROUP".....................
The thing that l like a lot about Apsense is the rewards that you can achieve on here, when you look at how many ways you can promote your site, yourself and what you write is amazing. Then you can be featured on "SPOT LIGHT SCORE", POPULAR MEMBERS", just to name a few, if you use the advantage on here you can create a lot of hits to what your advertising or promoting.
Yes l know and have not forgotten the Q & a section, l just think it's a lot more fun this way, you not agree..........we all learn as a team...............sharing our thoughts and knowledge with each other..................