Software Security Holes

Posted by Jennifer Underwood
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Hackers take advantage of known security holesin popular software programs like Windows Operating Systems, web browsers, email programs, office applications, instant messenger programs, and other popular programs like music sharing technology.

All software created today is tested vigorously for its stability and function, but rarely is software adequately tested for security holesbefore it is released on the market for purchase. Most companies wait until hackers find the security holes and vulnerabilities in the newly released software, and then they issue patches to fix the security holes that have been brought to their attention. MicrosoftÆ alone releases several thousand patches each year to fix security holes and other problems with their software - after it was released!

Hackers count on the fact that nobody is patching their computer software so they can launch their attacks and gain access to systems around the world. For every known software security hole in MicrosoftÆ programs and other software, there are likely dozens or even hundreds of hacker tools and scripts created to exploit that specific software vulnerability. These "exploits" are shared freely among hackers around the world, making PCs that don't patch security holes an easy target for attack.


. An un-patched PC connected to the Internet will last only 20 minutes before it is compromised by hackers or other malware.