Getawayclub - one time investment of $160 can get $15k - many have been paid

Posted by Ramanan G G
1033 Pageviews
Getawayclub, a cycler program started just 2-3 months back and getting very popular and many have cycled more than one time and got paid $10-15k in their egold or wired to them.

it consists of four boards each of 2 x 2 matrix, i.e. two under you in first level and two under them, that is 2 in first level and 4 in second level, so a board consists of 7 in total

whenever you move from first board (which is called Bronze board) one gets $50, and moves to the 2nd board or silver board and once they cycle from silver board one gets $250 and moves to gold board, here on cycling from gold board one gets $2500 and moves to platinum or the 4th board and on cycling one gets a whopping $15k and again a free position in platinum board to cycle out and get another $15k

My upline has already cycled from this two times and got her money in her bank account, and I m in platinum board and hopefully will cycle in another month and a get mammoth $15k, already I have recd more than $3k from this program

What are you waiting for? Get in early to cycle out early as it is still a new baby and a long long way to go

Add me in YM : mynet_pays,  MSN :   SKYPE : richguy5  to get more info on this

and you can visit to see more on the plan