Amazing Business Coaching Survey Poll

Posted by Teodor M.
1671 Pageviews
Sorry friends, as I said, according to Apsense's Terms of Service, I had to delete my poll!

However, even if the poll is not that relevent, here is a short conclusion: 33% of members who completed the poll deal with "Multiple Income Streams", which is sad...

What I'm saying is that...

Too many beginners are dissipating their attention on multiple streams and don’t really have a business online. It may take a lifetime to walk in real business in this way, if you don’t PLAN first and FOCUS after!

If you want to start PLANNING your business, join my team!

If you want to FOCUS on your business, write about it, let me know more what you do and I'll try to help, as much as I can.

You may ask: who is this guy? what he wants to teach me? Some already know me, but one thing I can tell you, I'm in business since 1987, some years spent in business even in the dark communist times, and I'm still there and not out of it...

So, what can I say, I failed few times... and if I only help you to avoid the mistakes I made, you are in business forever, and without the pain I suffered.

You have the freedom to decide... To Be Or Not To be Online!

For further referrence read also:

The Golden Rule: “If you want to succeed fail as soon as possible!”

To Life, family and Business Success,


In order to help YOU with my Amazing Business Coaching training session I NEED you help friends!

I have posted that poll on my blog and would be glad to have you taking 1 minute, subscribe to that blog and complete the Poll.

My Amazing Business Coaching training session will go through the blog and Apsense so you have nothing to loose by subscribing. You can even post articles there if you have good stuff.

Thanks a lot for cooperation. Deeply appreciated.

Here is the link: