Internet Wealth Report 3 - What Causes Most to Fail
You're about to learn what causes most people to fail... and why.
In Chapter 3 we're going to look at the one thing that will absolutely, without question, cause you to fail... and how you're constantly being encouraged to do that one thing... and why you've been given such bad advice by so many people who know better!
So here it is...
If you're trying to become successful by promoting more than one program, you're working against yourself.
Why? Because you only have a certain amount of time, energy, and money that you can commit to promoting any program or business. These are your "advertising resources", and they're limited.
That means if you're splitting your advertising resources by advertising two different programs, the results for each of those programs will be reduced by half.
That would be like opening a restaurant... but closing for two weeks every month. What would your chances be for success if you did that?
About zero.
And it gets worse if you're advertising more programs!
If you're advertising three programs, each program will have only 33% of your advertising resources... and lose the other 67%. That's a 67% reduction in new customers, sign-ups, affiliates, or whatever you're trying to achieve in that program.
That's like having your restaurant open just ten days a month!
It's hard to imagine, but I've seen some people trying to build four or five or even six different programs at once! They were desperately trying everything they could think of... but nothing was working. They were falling farther and farther behind in monthly fees for all those programs... and they were all failing.
But wait a minute! All the experts and gurus say that you need "multiple streams of income" to be successful! They say that you shouldn't count on just one program or just one business in case it goes under. Isn't that good advice?
Let's put it this way... if you were the owner of a program, and you knew that 99% of the people who see your website have already paid to join at least one other program, what would your advice to those people be?
Would you tell them that their best chance for success is to focus on the program they've already joined?
Probably not.
You'd probably tell them that they need to join your program too... so they'll have a "safety net" in case the other program should fail. And even if it doesn't fail, if they join your program also, they'll have that wonderful phenomenon called "multiple streams of income".
So is it any wonder that all the experts and gurus (who own the programs) are so enthusiastic in their endorsement of the "multiple streams of income" approach?
Not really.
But what they don't tell you is that by trying to advertise both programs, you're causing your own failure in both programs.
They don't tell you because it's not important... to them. What's important to them is that you click that "Join Now!" button and send in your money. That's what they're interested in!
So do yourself a HUGE favor and forget about trying to advertise more than one program.
Choose ONE business and commit yourself to building that one business. You can FAIL at LOTS of businesses... or you can SUCCEED at ONE business... but you'll NEVER succeed by dividing your efforts and trying to build more than one business at a time. Success requires focus. If you don't believe me, just ask any successful person you can find whether you should concentrate all your efforts on building one business... or scatter your efforts among a bunch of different programs. I think we both already know the answer to that one! Success requires focus. So if you're trying to promote more than one program, you can take a giant step forward right now. Choose one and get rid of the rest. Remember... success requires focus. There are a few things I want you to understand... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ) Trying to promote more than one program at a time will cause you to fail. Program owners advise you to join (and promote) multiple programs because it's easier than proving why their program is better than someone else's. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) The ONLY way to succeed is to pick ONE business and commit all of your efforts and resources to building THAT business to a successful level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.) It's YOUR responsibility to choose the best business for you. Don't rely on what you read on the website. Spend as much time as necessary to learn all you can about a business BEFORE you make your decision. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.) If someone can't explain WHY their business is better than the others, then it's probably not... and why would you want to waste your time and money on that business? I'll tell you why so many people have decided to focus their efforts on this one particular business... and then you can decide if it's also the right business for you. Click HERE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3. In Chapter 4 we're going to talk about how you can have "multiple streams of income" while still focusing 100% of your available resources on just one business. P.S. If you decide that you like what you see, this Internet Wealth Report is available for you in your back office and you'll be able to read the rest of the Chapters without waiting. >>> Click Here <<< >