Learn how to change your mindset and begin to create your own innovative solutions to these Environmental problems we are facing. STOP just wanting it to happen and help us to get it done! Here is the solution read on.

The truth is we all must begin reducing global warming, and fortunately there is much to do.


The truth is we all must begin reducing global warming, and fortunately there is much to do.

Most people do not think we have an environmental problem or if they do they don't see it 'as their problem' or something they can change.  They are quite content to ignore the warning signs and leave it to someone else to do something about it

But the truth of the matter is we do have a problem and we do need to take responsibility for our part in it and accept that we can do something about it - if only to raise awareness and remember that if we don't recognize that we have a problem it cannot be dealt with. 
Here is some scarey news


Arctic sea ice has now surpassed all previous records for the lowest absolute minimum summer extent. The "stunning record low" of 4.13 million square kilometers was recorded by satellite images on September 16, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The previous record, 5.32 million square kilometers, was measured on September 20-21, 2005.

The minimum for 2007 is smaller by 1.19 million square kilometers (460,000 square miles) than the previous low, roughly the size of Texas and California combined, or nearly five United Kingdoms. This year also saw the extended opening of the Northwest Passage through islands north of Canada for the first time.

I have recently become involved with a company called UBIEE. The system is called the UBIEE Enviro Project .

In addition UBIEE has developed a product called the UBIEE Power Pill that can reduce the emissions from any engine by 78%. The POWER Pill not only reduces emissions but also cleans the engine making the vehicle more efficient and cheaper to run.
You can help us to create awareness for the environment by joining UBIEE.
Read further more by clicking on my link:



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