Do you Settle for Less?
Do YOU settle for less?
In my online market research in recent days I have become aware of a mentality in the Global Marketing community that I think is rather sad. I have noticed a distinct trend among marketers to settle for less. I know I have been guilty of that in the past myself. The trend I am refering to seems to be large numbers of 'start-ups' involving themselves in such endeavors as; Pay-per-click, (PPC), paid surveys, Free Web Stuff, etc..
Let me ask you the same question I hope you are asking yourself: "Why are you here?"
I ask that because I have not seen very many people making a significant income with these methods. I think this trend is one of the reasons why so many small businesses online, never take off. After hours and hours of work, for little or no pay, most people quit!
Another question; "Don't you usually get what you pay for?" (or even less?) This is important because being involved in 'Free' Opportunities usually means 'No Money Involved!' (for YOU)
Several years ago, I made the same mistake. I downloaded all kinds of e-books promising me instant wealth; ("You are just a few clicks away from Instant Wealth!") or: ("Sign up for our FREE newsletter. We will give you the Marketing secrets of the Pro's!") and such like. I joined all kinds of free clubs, email lists, places to post classified ads, etc..
You know what I found out? These programs WORK! YEAH! for the people promoting them!! I would work a full time, 10hr a day job, come home and sit in front of the computer for 6-8 hours, and make less than $100 a month online!
See, successful online entreprenuers are no different than those with a brick and mortar storefront. They are in business to make MONEY!! For THEMSELVES!! Not for you and me!! Most of them are there to drive revenue from your account to theirs! And they are NOT going to give their secrets away! Not if they want to stay in business! Almost All of the programs I have seen to date, (with a FEW notable exceptions) are just a way to expose you to their products and services in the guise of generously helping you to; "Make Tons Of Money!"
If online entreprenuers are no different than local shopkeepers, and you are not a highly valued friend, or a family member, are they really going to give you their secrets?
UNLESS,.... they have such high ethical standards they ascribe to the philosophy of helping themselves, by helping others first.
Are there such individuals and companies out there? Can you find them if they are? And how do you tell from a web page if THEY deliver, or THEIR PRODUCT delivers as promised?
My personal experience tells me; YOU CAN'T!!
All of them seem to have the same basic 'BLAH, BLAH, BLAH'! The same basic 'squeeze' page, email capture, 'time sensitive offer' and so on. EVEN THE GOOD ONES!!
WHY? SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WORK!!! All of the techniques commonly used in Internet Marketing are there for one simple reason: Effectiveness. If I have the greatest opportunity the web world has ever seen, and I use a marketing technique that has low, or NO effectiveness, how am I to be successful? And more importantly, how am I going to help YOU?
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