Squidoo lensmasters, come join the new Apsense Group

Posted by John Dilbeck
1906 Pageviews
Attention all Squidoo lensmasters - there is a new group for your lenses about Apsense.

If you already have a lens about Apsense, come and add it to the APsense - A Free Business Social Network Headquarters on Squidoo.

If not, create a lens just to promote you and your Apsense site, blog, and groups and then submit it.

If you aren't a Squidoo lensmaster yet, click the above link and click on the "Make A New Lens" button.

Squidoo makes it easy for you to publish information about your Apsense site and syndicate your blog's RSS feed. It also gives you a great link from a highly-ranked site to your business center here.

Act on your dream!