Investing in the future

Posted by Eric Smith
730 Pageviews

Parents save for years to pay for their kids College Education. So does that mean these students are getting a free education, afterall the parents paid for it ? No of course not. The student has to put hours upon hours working to ensure their parents investment in their future pays off. Granted, they may not be "out of pocket" personally but they still pay with time and effort.
I guess i take on a similar role when i have a new recruit. If they don't make any money - I don't make any money. So its in my best interest to do Everything I can to make them as much money as they need. WIN-WIN!

In this situation, i would have no hesitation in offering my team all the support, information, books, courses, and other information i can to assist them in making the income THEY want!

Note, i am not saying i am doing any work for them. Doing the work FOR your team only handicaps them (and me) from the purpose of Time Leverage. But it IS in their (and my) best interest if i give them any and all the material i have available to assist them in getting their own Job done.

So called "Systems" from Network Marketing companies have been the cause of many negative opinions of companies over the years. IDA, Network 21 and other systems from Amway gave this huge company several unnecessary court cases due to "Pyramiding" practices used in the distribution of training material.

If the purpose of the offer for free coaching is to offer a paid version of the same thing you was getting for free, then that in my opinion is a recruitment scam. I could rattle off half a dozen so called systems doing the same thing online at the moment. And one particular guy has started several of them. Social Bookmarking