Build a 50,000 Opt-In Email List- FREE ebook excerpt
Build a 50,000 Opt-In Email List
This is an excerpt from the ebook "26 Superpower Tactics for Rapid-Fire List Building". It contains the contents of Part I. Learn how you can receive a FREE complete copy of this ebook at the bottom of this page.
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******Excerpt from "26 Superpower Tactics for Rapid-Fire List Building"Part I -Be Remarkable******
Ebook Table of Contents (Part I)
Part 1—Be Remarkable…………………………………………………....3
Forget the advertising—innovate………………………………………………………….3
Information products—the key to the success of your Internet marketing business……...4
The best time to build your database is now …………………….......................................5
How to create lead-generating information products……………………………………...6
Information products plus permission marketing equals rapid-fire lead generation……...7
The unlimited power of viral marketing…………………………………………………..8
Sure-fire tactics for creating your own information product……………………………...9
Be remarkable
You’re either remarkable or invisible.
—Seth Godin
Master marketer and best-selling author Seth Godin says that companies that resist innovation are like brown cows—after a while, they all look the same. If you’ve seen one brown cow, you’ve seen every brown cow there is to see. You don’t need them even when they’re standing on the side of the highwaThey might as well be invisible.
But when a purple cow comes on the scene, it stands out at once. You can’t take a brown cow and paint it purple, Godin explains. Purple cows are purple from the inside out—or they might be blue from the inside out, as in the case of JetBlue Airlines, a company that meets Godin’s criteria for excellence.
What is Seth Godin trying to teach us about marketing this time? If I’ve learned anything from Godin since his 1999 Permission Marketing, it is that he doesn’t waste his readers’ valuable time. So I’ve learned to listen to what he has to say. What does he have to say in Purple Cow? It all comes down to two words: Be remarkable.
I hope you’re listening, too. “You’re either a Purple Cow or you’re not,†says Godin. “You’re either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice.†I think you have made the right choice; otherwise, you wouldn’t be taking the time to read this. You’ve taken the first step toward becoming remarkable. This report will show you how to separate yourself from the millions of invisible brown cows on the Information highway.
When you finish this report, you won’t be a brown cow any more. You may discover that you’re not a purple cow either. You might be a blue cow, a red cow, or even a pink cow. But one thing is certain: You’ll know what it takes to build the kind of list that can skyrocket your Internet business. You’ll know what it takes to be remarkable.
Forget the advertising—innovate
It would be easy to notice a purple cow if we suddenly encountered one, of course. But how do you spot purple cows in the business world? To be a purple cow in the business world, Godin explains, “Stop advertising and start innovating.â€
Consumers are immune to most of the advertising that reaches them, but they are hungrier than ever for real solutions to real problems. The secret of successful Internet marketing is to create and drive word of mouth.
When fifty-two JetBlue planes were frozen on runways in an ice storm last February, passengers were stuck inside the grounded planes for hours. Other airlines cancelled flights in anticipation of the winter storm, but JetBlue vowed to get customers to their destinations.
When it didn’t work out as planned, the company had a customer service nightmare to deal with. Police were called in as irate passengers argued with JetBlue employees at airport check-in counters.
At the height of this public relations disaster, David Neeleman, founder and CEO of JetBlue Airlines, posted a video message on YouTube to apologize to customers. As far as I know, this was the first time the CEO of a major corporation posted a video message on YouTube directed at customers.
In his YouTube message, Neeleman explained that steps were being taken to prevent the same thing from happening again. And he outlined a new customer protection plan with enough substance behind it to show customers that he wasn’t just blowing hot air.
Customers may not have forgotten what happened, but they seem to have forgiven JetBlue. When the situation got out of control, Neeleman didn’t do what other corporate leaders have frequently done. He didn’t call in his staff to manage the crisis. He didn’t hire a public relations expert. He did what Purple Cows do—he innovated. He created an innovative information product. And it worked.
Information products—the key to the success
of your Internet marketing business
Creating a product or program is a powerful—and possibly necessary—step in your business development.
When you do so your business has the potential to skyrocket.
—Michael Port
An information product that adds value to people’s lives is the best tool for creating word of mouth. When you offer real solutions to real problems, satisfied customers will want to tell the world about you.
The best way to start a viral marketing campaign is to share your knowledge and expertise with prospects and customers.
As an Internet marketer, you know that the key to your business success is the ability to build a list of customers and potential customers who look forward to hearing about your new product releases and special offers through e-mail announcements. And you know that successful list-building depends on your ability to build a bond of trust with prospects and customers.
You already have a powerful list-building tool right in your own hands—literally. Whether you type on a keyboard, talk to your voice recognition software, or grind it out the hard way with a pencil and paper, you are the best tool you will ever have for building a list.
A lead-generating information product is one that you give away in exchange for an e-mail address and permission to follow up. A lead-generating product is the easiest, fastest, and most effective tool for creating a connection with potential clients. As you build trust with potential customers, you will soon reach the point in the sales cycle where prospects are ready to buy your products or services.
Your information product is often the most powerful tool in the sales cycle. Readers will brand you on the basis of what you offer them in exchange for their e-mail address and permission to follow up. Creating an information product is the easiest and fastest way to establish yourself as an expert, build your brand, and win the trust of customers and potential customers.
A free offer of something valuable turns visitors into friends. When you follow up by continuing to add something of value to people’s lives, you establish the kind of rapport and trust that turns friends into clients. And when you cultivate client relationships by keeping in touch, offering new solutions, and creating additional benefits, you turn customers into clients for life.
The best time to build your database is now
Do not wait for a change of environment before you act; get a change of environment by action.
–Wallace D. Wattles
The best way to build your database is by offering an information product designed to generate leads. Find a product idea you’re enthusiastic about. If you can tie it into your current business model, you have the topic for a great information product.
When you give first-time visitors a free information product in exchange for their e-mail address, you take the first step toward establishing yourself as an expert. And when visitors give you permission to follow up, you start to build a bond of trust.
If you’ve already written something, think about how you can leverage it to create additional information products. An article might contain the seed for an eBook. A series of articles or reports can be reworked and presented as an eCourse or a series of Web seminars.
If you’ve never written anything for publication on the Internet before, start by asking yourself how you can package what you know or do. What are you passionate about? How have you helped people in the past? Ask family and friends for their honest feedback.
Do you have a hobby that’s related to a product or service that you would like to market? A sport or other pursuit that you’re passionate about can be a great place to start.
Be sure you know what your vision is. When you find products and services that you can market and sell with enthusiasm, you won’t have any trouble writing about them with passion and conviction.
How to create lead-generating information products
Just start with something simple. Be sure to choose an attention-grabbing title. And let people know you as a person. Let them see who you really are.
When you write your information product, be sure to remember the first rule of relationship management: Customers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
If you’re starting from scratch, here’s how to take advantage of the enormous opportunity that information products provide for generating leads and establishing yourself as an expert in your field:
• Offer readers an insight into how you dealt with a problem or crisis in your own work or personal life.
• Connect with readers by showing them how you solved a problem that they may be facing now. The fastest way to establish your credentials and build rapport is to connect with readers on the basis of your shared experiences.
• Give testimonials of your own experiences with products and services to engage the reader’s interest and build a bond of trust.
• Write about real solutions for real people.
Permission marketing starts by inviting customers to opt-in to a database in order to receive e-mail and special promotions. Permission marketing is a proven vehicle for building and maintaining customer relationships.
Here are some of the most popular formats for creating a great lead-generating information product:
Write a short eBook to offer free tips.
Write a short how-to eBook.
Write an article that connects with one of your current business needs.
Turn your free-tips or how-to book into an eCourse or Web seminar.
Produce your own podcast or video cast.
Always put into practice the four R’s of Internet publishing—review, rethink, rewrite, and recycle:
1. Review: Take a fresh look at anything you’ve written before. The key word is anything. Looking at an old product from a new perspective can get your creative juices flowing faster than you think. You may even discover a solution for a business problem today by taking a fresh look at something you’ve done in the past.
2. Rethink: Think about how you can approach the topic from a new angle. Getting a fresh perspective on an old topic is one of the easiest and fastest ways to create new information products. An article or eBook that provides a new angle on an old topic is a very effective tool for driving traffic and generating leads.
3. Rewrite: Rework your old articles. Write from the perspective of where your target market wants to go today. Always ask yourself how you can give your customers a useful insight or a fresh view of a topic.
4. Recycle: Leverage your new product into as many different formats as you can to achieve the full potential of information products. Some minor tweaking here and there can turn old articles into new eCourses and podcasts.
Information products plus permission
marketing equals rapid-fire lead generation
As an Internet marketer, you know that your database of e-mail addresses is one of the most important tools in your business system. A list makes it possible to offer products and promotions to build your relationship with customers and add value to their lives.
Successful Internet marketers know that special reports, web seminars, consultations, and free trials are proven tactics for enticing visitors to leave their contact information. You build your brand as an online expert with every information product that goes out under your name.
When visitors opt in by voluntarily entering their name and e-mail addresses on your web site or sales page, they give you permission to start building a relationship.
An effective web site must do four things:
1. Sell products and services.
2. Build your brand.
3. Capture names and e-mail addresses of visitors.
4. Foster affiliate relationships.
Information products are the single most effective point of entry into the sales cycle. Why? Because they are ideal tools for:
Generating leads by driving traffic to your web site or squeeze page.
Building your brand as an expert and separating you from the competition.
Creating multiple revenue streams.
The unlimited power of viral marketing
The most effective tool for creating word of mouth is viral marketing. Viral marketing is a promotional strategy that encourages users to forward your messages to others by clicking on a “Tell-a-Friend†or “Forward-to-a-Friend†link.
Rapid-fire list building depends on learning how to achieve the full potential of permission-based lead generation by harnessing the unlimited power of viral marketing.
A database that automatically captures each prospect’s contact information is the single most powerful marketing tool on the Worldwide Web today. Internet marketing is all about capturing e-mail addresses—the sleekest and most attractive web site in the world is useless if it isn’t building you a list.
A web site is a waste of time and money if it isn’t capturing names and e-mail addresses of visitors. The only goal of a web site or sales page is to convert visitors into customers. Enticing visitors to give your their e-mail addresses—and permission to follow up from time to time—is the most crucial step in the online sales cycle.
Research shows that the majority of customers visit a site four or five times before they buy a product or service. Follow-up is a crucial step in the sales cycle. Getting a visitor to opt-in is what makes the difference between hooking a prospect and losing a lead forever.
How you follow up is what determines whether your leads turn into customers or not. When satisfied customers are so excited about your product or service that they want to tell the world about you, they put the power of viral marketing to work for you.
Sure-fire tactics for creating your own information product
It is certain that you can do what you want to do. The desire to do it is proof that you have within you the power which can do it.
—Wallace D. Wattles
To sum up what we’ve learned so far: The single most powerful way to build a database is by creating your own information products and programs.
Most Internet marketers would rather schedule root canal surgery than think about writing their own information product. Let’s face it: It’s easier to hire a writer to do it for you. And there’s nothing wrong with hiring writers—most of the time.
But if you write just one of your own information products, you’ll be astonished at how it helps you focus more sharply on your customers’ desires. Indeed, you’ll get a sharper focus on every aspect of your business. You’ll get closer to the real concerns and needs of your customers than ever before.
Writing information products stretches your mind by giving you a new perspective on things. When people ask me what I think about something, I sometimes answer, “How can I know what I think about that if I haven’t written it down yet?†The act of putting your ideas in writing is the best way to clarify your thoughts.
The process of writing is what triggers creativity. All successful writers know that you can’t wait for inspiration. Just start writing. One thought will lead to another. Soon you’ll start to make connections between ideas that have no apparent connection at all.
The result is always a fresh view of a topic. You’ll be amazed at what you start to produce when you make a commitment to start. Follow these proven tactics for simplifying and speeding up the writing process. Creating your own information product doesn’t have to be rocket science—and it should never be root canal:
Don’t worry about spelling and grammar when you write a first draft. Just think about your readers. Content is all that matters at this stage of the writingprocess. You can always find a friend to proofread your information product when you finish your first draft. Never try to edit what you’ve written until you get it all down.
Set a deadline and stick to it. An occasional writing project will make you more self-disciplined. When time is so valuable, setting a deadline for completing a new information product will give you a heightened appreciation for the value of every hour and every minute in the day.
Focus like a laser beam. Try to complete your writing project ahead of schedule. You’ll start to develop time-management skills that spill over into everything you do as an Internet marketer.
Get it all down before you try to correct your work. Interrupting the process of writing to check and correct things before you complete a first draft is a sure way to take the joy out of writing. As you practice the technique of “freewriting,†you’ll start to write much faster. And the faster you write, the more you’ll enjoy the process of writing.
Write your first draft as fast as you can. Freewriting lets you keep up with your thought processes. The act of writing is what stimulates creativity and clear thinking. The faster you write, the more closely you’ll be able to pattern your sentences after your thoughts.
Stop making excuses. We say we don’t have enough time to write; we don’t have enough skill to write; and we don’t have enough stamina and patience to write. These are just excuses for not starting.
When you put these tactics into action, you’ll start to see old topics in a new light. And you’ll become more creative—not only in your writing, but in your way of thinking and acting. When your new skills carry over to the way you work on and in your Internet business—and they will—you’ll be amazed at how you constantly see new ways to innovate and improve your business system.
Most marketers never try to write their own information product. To be remarkable at anything in life, you must feel the fear and do it anyway. That goes for Internet marketing, too.
Once you start to write your own information product, it will be easier than you believed possible. You have the power within you to do it, if you will just believe in yourself enough to give it an honest try.
***********End of Part I excerpt from the ebook 26 Superpower Tactics for Rapid-Fire List Building************
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