How do you rate Apsense Business Center sites at the Apsense ABC Exchange?
How do you rate Apsense Business Center sites at the Apsense ABC Exchange?
In this blog I share with you my own, personal system.
I developed this 0 to 10 rating system so that I'd not be influenced by whether or not I liked the content, person or business being showcased at the ABC, and that I'd actually only be rating a more true quality and value of the Business Center.
I created a system that leaves it less to my personal feelings, and provided me with a much more uniform rating system for every ABC that I saw. The ABC then receives exactly the same score as they last received from me.
Their rating score changes when they've done some more work at their ABC.
Regardless of how tired I was, how late at night it was, in how much of a rush I was or, how the Apsense program might distort the look of the site, I could extremely quickly scan the site for the following items and give it a very equitable rating in no time at all.
It means I can rate more sites more quickly, yet equitably.
It also doesn't matter which language is used to create the ABC, so ABC's created by someone from any nationality background can be given a rating by me.
This list is also an excellent checklist for knowing what to do next, when you are just beginning to set up your Business Center.
So here goes....
1 point - having one or more images in the Slideshow.
Here's a great tool for resizing images to the ideal 250x200 pixels.
1 point - listing one or more Business Opportunities.
To do that go to 'Setup My Own Business Center' then to 'Affiliates' and 'Add Business Opportunity'. Remember to tick 'List this item in my A.B.C homepage'.
1 point - information in the About Business segment.
You'll find that under the heading 'Basic Settings'.
1 point - including one or more Interest Groups.
In your Apsense 'My Account' you can create your own Groups. In your ABC, check all items under 'Basic Settings', titled 'Site Options'.
1 point - one or more items in the Business Industry section.
Again under 'Basic Settings' check items in this list, lower down the page. Each time you make changes to 'About Our Business', you'll need to check the 'Business Industry' selections again.
1 point - one or more links in the Resources list.
You can add your own personal links for any of your favorite sites here.
1 point - one or more listed Featured Products or Services.
Under the blue tab 'Business Centers', click 'View My Products & Services' then click 'Add Product or Service'. Remember to check 'List this item in my A.B.C homepage'.
1 point - one or more Testimonials.
You can add your own testimonial here as well. You don't need to wait for another member to do that. Why not use that space to invite visitors to leave a testimonial.
1 point - a distinct Business Center Title.
Easy, just go to 'Set Up My Business Center', then 'Basic Settings' and name your site at 'Site Title'.
1 point - having a personally created voice audio or video loaded.
You can get a friend to do this for you or use the terrific Apsense Audio Creator. It has 'follow the bouncing ball' instructions. Find it at 'Tools & Others' at the bottom of this page.
Apsense Audio Creator is FREE for all VIP and Partner members. It is $49.95 for all Free members.
1 point - having something in the Additional Info. area. This is a new feature at the ABC centers.
That is a total of 10 points.
If their score is then less than 10 and I'd really, really, really like to give them another point then, a bonus point can be given if the 'Add A Link' feature is enabled.Or, if their score is zero and you need to give them 1 point to move to the next screen.
I find that the 'Add A Link' feature added, indicates community spirit and willingness to share success. Yes, you do get to approve which ones are shown at your Center and which ones are not!
So if you'd like a 10/10 rating in the Business Center Exchange from me, you'll now know exactly how to achieve including every single one of the above listed items on your ABC.
Plus, I've also now (today) made it a rule for myself, to only add a testimonial from me at an ABC if they score 8 or above, based on my personal rating system.
P.S. Where do you go to rate other ABC's?
At your 'My Account' you'll find a big blue button titled 'Biz Exchange', when you click on that you'll see a rating bar at the top.
You can rate after being at the ABC for 20 seconds, the button to the right will then indicate "Vote Now".
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