First of Five Part Course On PLR Articles To Build Traffic

Posted by Alex Alaska p
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 PLR Private Label Affiliate 5-Part PLR Ecourse

Subject: [PLR Course] What the heck is PLR content?


Thank you for requesting more information on how you can use Private

Label Rights (PLR) content in your business.

Over the next five courses we’ll look at several different ways that you can

profit from someone else’s content. Hopefully this will spark some creative

ideas that will help you grow your business.

Let’s start by looking at exactly what PLR content is – and what it isn’t.

PLR content means different things to different people. But overall, it refers

to content that you are given rights to use by the original author. You can

add Alaska Padaco as the author, change it, add to it, sell it and

sometimes even give it away (be sure to always check the rights for any

PLR content you’re thinking about using).

What you cannot usually do with PLR content is let someone else have

PLR rights to it. In other words, you cannot give someone else the ability to

use the content as their own.

If you’ve never used PLR content before, you may be wondering what is so

special about it. After all, you could write the content yourself and not pay

anything. Or hire a ghostwriter and have exclusive access to the content.

While both of these statements are true, it’s important to remember that

everything in business is a trade off. Especially when your business is


For every hour that you spend writing your own content, that is one less

hour that you are working on marketing your business. Too many online

marketers spend almost all of their day writing and never work on driving

traffic to their sites.

Or they hire ghostwriters and go into debt to have content written. As a

result they have nothing left to run paid ad campaigns and have to rely on

only free methods, which often means a much slower growth rate for their


PLR content gives online marketers the best of both worlds. Content that

they don’t have to write – but that is semi-exclusive.

This allows them to quickly fill up their websites and blogs with great

content. Put together issues of their newsletter. Create new products and

giveaways. Whatever content they need, they can get it quickly and


And with a solution like PLR Private Label Club, you can get thousands of

pieces of content at no charge. It doesn’t get any easier than that to get

started with PLR. Check out PLR Private Label Club at

In the next part of this series, we’ll discuss what to look for in PLR content.

Until Then,
Alaska Padaco
P.S. I also  encourage you to visit  and  join now.

It is quite simply the largest (and best quality) collection of PLR content I’ve

ever seen. And it costs you absolutely nothing so you have nothing to lose!