Why People Fail In Network Marketing/MLM
Network marketing/MLM isn't for everybody. While some people
swear by MLM/network marketing, others simply swear!
Regardless of how YOU feel, however, let’s take a moment to
clear the air.
ALL major business organizations, regardless of what product
or service they sell...
are Multi-Level Marketing organizations!
Virtually ALL types of organizations, from sales organizations,
to the military, to athletic teams, to the federal government
itself are inherently "multi-level." They HAVE to be in order
to preserve a chain of command and a smooth flow of duties and
responsibilities. You see, there are several levels of responsibility,
and that certainly sounds "multi-level" to ME!
Why do so many people fail in network marketing
and why do so many still struggle to "make it"?
This industry is filled with tons of hype and B.S.
about how you can make a bunch of money by sitting
on the couch or on a beach somewhere, but it isn't
that easy now is it. ;)
By the time you get to the end of this article you will
be left in no doubt as to why people fail in network
marketing, what it takes to succeed in network marketing,
and whether this business is for you.
Moving on...
To begin with, the concept behind network marketing is simple.
Sharing - through product or business philosophy - is the basis
of network marketing.
Network marketing is a multi-billion pound industry involving
millions of independent business people around the globe.
Network marketing is a 'BIG' small business, which offers everyone,
with or without business experience, the opportunity to start and
run a home-based business. It is the last frontier where 'the little
guy', (people like you and me) can make it BIG.
The traditional way of marketing products is to move them from a
manufacturer through a network of middlemen. National Wholesalers,
regional wholesalers, Cash & Carry warehouses, retailers, - the
'middlemen' - all add their 'valueless' percentage to the price
of the product.
By the time the product or service reaches you, the end user, you're
not only paying for the product, but a percentage of the price for
each and every middleman in the network. In network marketing there
are no middlemen. Instead of paying them, a network marketing company
will pay you for whatever amount of product you cause to be 'moved'.
As a sole individual operating alone, the amount of product or service
provision you could 'move' from your own efforts, would be relatively
small. In network marketing however, the amount you 'caused' to be moved
indirectly could be HUGE.
Here then is the essence of a network marketing compensation plan. For not
only will you be compensated for the product or service provision you
personally cause to be moved from your own direct efforts, you will also
receive indirect compensation for the product or service provision that
your 'organisation' 'causes' to be moved.
To be successful in network marketing you will need to build an 'organisation'.
That is to say you will need to 'share' the benefits of both the products/service
provision and the business opportunity with others. In network marketing this
is referred to as your 'downline'.
The 'serious' money to be had in network marketing is to be had from what is
termed as 'over-ride' commissions from the 'movement' of product or service
provision from the 'downline' your 'sponsor' will help you to build.
(In network marketing it is the responsibility of your introducing 'sponsor'
to help you build your 'downline'.)
All you need to do initially to build a 'downline' is to 'share' with others
the information about the products or service provision and the business
opportunity on offer.
Theoretically, if after 'sharing' the information with others and you
subsequently attracted just five SERIOUS individuals who decided to
join you in your network marketing business - for illustration purposes
only - your 'downline' could equate to the following after five levels
of geometric growth:
You sponsor just 5 SERIOUS people into your business.
Your level 1 = 5
They duplicate your efforts and each sponsor 5 SERIOUS people.
Your level 2 = 25
These 16 duplicate your efforts and each sponsor 5 SERIOUS people.
Your level 3 = 125
These 125 duplicate your efforts and each sponsor 5 SERIOUS people.
A little arithmetic will tell you that's theoretically a total of 3,905
people on your fifth level.
Imagine the power of a business-building plan that would pay you an agreed
'over-ride' commission on each product or service provision 'moved' by each
and every one of those 3,905 potential distributors in your downline.
Network marketing then is about a LOT of people 'moving' a little product.
The more people you introduce, the greater your income potential. Notice
that I said SERIOUS people. You may find that you have to introduce 20,
30 or even 50 new distributors before you find a person who Gets SERIOUS
about the business.
If you want to toss aside the potential earnings on offer as being ridiculous
or impossible - DON'T. I personally have met people who are earning $5,000 to
$50,000 per month (yes per month) from network marketing for part-time effort.
Though the majority of networkers earn hundreds rather than many thousands per
month, (most working part-time) it must be understood then that if you are to
make serious income, you must put in serious effort. No free lunches here!
The professionals in Network Marketing (those that earn HUGE incomes) recognise
that to become successful you must "go through the numbers". That is, sort through
lots and lots of people until you find those people who get SERIOUS about the
Here's an example of "going through the numbers":
You may have heard of Bill Britt, one of the most successful network marketing
distributors ever. Some years ago, 20/20 did a feature story on the network
marketing company he worked with. They spent 19 minutes interviewing distributors who had failed and showed the garages full of products they couldn't sell.
During the last minute of the show, Mr. Britt was interviewed in front of
his palatial home. He was asked, "Mr. Britt, this business has obviously
worked for you. What's your secret?"
He replied, "There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people.
900 said, 'No.' and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did
anything at all. Out of those 85 only 35 were serious, and out of those 35,
11 made me a millionaire."
Like all successful networkers Bill worked through the numbers.
ANY business is a numbers game, plain and simple! Ever heard of Colonel
sanders? No? Then I'm sure you WILL have heard of KFC... as in Kentucky
Fried Chicken! Did you know that Colonel Sanders the founder of KFC
approached over 1,600 prospective outlets for his now famous recipe
before getting to a single "yes". Now that's what I call persistance!
As Calvin Coolidge US president once said:
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance.
Talent will not - Nothing is as more common than the
unsuccessful man with talent.
Genius will not - The unrewarded Genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not - The world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistance and persistance alone is Omnipotent."
So, you don't need to be talented, you don't need to be a
genius, and you don't need to be *educated to succeed in this
Industry. All you need to be is persistant.
* (Though I suppose it would help if you could read and write.)
Moving swiftly on...
There are two prongs to earning in Network marketing. First, is, of course,
building a ´down line´. But remember, a large organization of people who do
NOTHING other than sponsoring others, earns NOTHING!
Second is, BALANCE and CONSISTENCY. Spend some time building your organization yes, but also spend time PROMOTING your products/services
to others and use the products/services yourself!
The simple answer is you DON'T. You don't want those who need to be convinced.
You want those who convince themselves. If they are TRULY looking for a way to
become successful (assuming the network marketing company you are working with
is offering a QUALITY product or service) then they'll come to you to go after
it. The key to achieving success in network marketing is NOT to be had by
convincing people, but by helping those (SERIOUS) people who want to become
successful themselves.
Neither do you want to attract those who "NEED" the opportunity you are offering.
You need to attract those who "WANT" the opportunity you are offering. Our society
is full of "Needers". The "Wanters" are about as rare as hens teeth! There's an
old saying in network marketing: "Amateur Networkers sort for needers. Professionals
sort for leaders". And THAT is precisely what you should be looking for...Leaders.
Those who get SERIOUS about the business.
The single most important factor of building a large organization is the quality
of the people you sponsor. What type of people do you think will build your business
faster ... Needers or Leaders?
The biggest Reason why people FAIL in Network Marketing is NOT because they
don't want residual income, it's because they're NOT prepared to put in the necessary
effort to "go through the numbers". No one is going to say "No. I don't want extra
$5000 per month in residual income." They say NO to what they have to do to get it!
Who do you know who would welcome an extra stream of income? Friends, family,
people you come into contact with every day would be a good starting point.
(If the opportunity you're offering is so darn good why WOULDN'T you want to
share it with your friends and family hmmm??)
As it has been estimated that 20% of the working population - MILLIONS of people -
would be interested in starting their own business, the marketplace in the USA
alone is truly enormous. When you take into account that many network marketing
companies operate on a GLOBAL basis the potential for growth is quite staggering.
With a recent MORI poll indicating that 50% of 16 - 25 year olds were interested
in starting their own business, the marketplace is actually growing!
One of the most important things to recognise is that the most precious resource
available to you is in the new blood - the millions of business opportunity seekers
who are not presently involved in networking. For it is there that you will find the
success stories of tomorrow for your downline organisation.
In any successful business it is the quality of the product or service that is
being offered that is the single most important aspect for its success.
The most lucrative compensation plan in the world will NOT provide you with an
on-going residual income if the product or service doesn't provide tangible
value and benefits for yourself and your customers.
Provide a product or service that people need, want, coupled with a business
opportunity they are willing to tell their friends about, and you can build
yourself a business empire in network marketing!
Tip# 1/ If you're already involved in a network marketing program and you're
being 'sold' primarily on the benefits of the compensation plan with the
product or service being offered as a secondary consideration, then read
the above paragraph again and MOVE to a company whose products or services
Tip# 2/ Ask yourself this important question: Is the network marketing programme
I'm considering joining one that I'm willing to share with my friends and family?
The comment "I don't want my friends and family to know what I'm doing, l want to
become successful FIRST - then I'll introduce them!!" is almost legendary in
network marketing. (A comment oftimes made by failed networkers who had no real
belief in the company or the products they were promoting in the first place!)
If you immediately feel comfortable with the prospect of letting your neighbors,
your friends and your family know about the network programm you're considering
joining, have belief in the company and its products/service provision, have
confidence in your introducing sponsor, then you have probably chosen the right
company to work with.
Tip# 3/ Don't be impatient by expecting things to happen overnight! Building a
moderately productive downline in any network marketing programm takes TIME -
many months not many weeks.
Tip# 4/ Read tip 3 again and avoid like the plague any company which suggests
otherwise or does not require you to invest in the development of a distributor
base. If your prospective sponsor in the network marketing program you're being
invited to join doesn't stipulate that it takes TIME to build a significantly
productive downline then it's not a business your being invited to join but a
game - and one you're bound to lose!
Tip# 5/ If you want to dine with the classes - deal in products or services
wanted by the masses!
Network marketing isn't for everybody. While some people swear by network
marketing, others simply swear! (Read tip No. 2 again to find out why).
To succeed in network marketing you will need determination, commitment,
persistance, enthusiasm and most importantly - a burning desire for success.
If you believe you have those qualities get back to the person who provided you
with the details of their network marketing opportunity today.
Watch this TREMENDOUSLY Enlightening video from Robert
Kiyosaki, author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and you'll never
look at the world through the eyes of a "wage slave" ever
Here's the link:
Have you heard?...
* 70% of all North Americans say they're carrying so much debt,
that their home life is unhappy.
* #1 resolution this year is getting out of debt - overtaking weight
loss for the first time.
* Personal bankruptcies totaled 1.7 million, and is climbing.
* The average North American spends $1.05 for every $1 earned.
* 95% of Americans will retire broke and at or below the poverty level.
* Primary causes behind bankruptcies: job loss, family break-up,
and medical reasons.
If you have tried Network Marketing before and failed, you probably
chose the wrong company, the wrong sponsor, or the wrong product.
You now have a choice...
You can either keep on doing what you've always been doing in which
case you will keep on getting what you've always got OR you can get
back to the person who provided you with the details of their network
marketing opportunity today.
Your call.
Yours in success,
Kevin Quigley.
If you've enjoyed this article, please be sure to forward
it to a friend.
About the Author:
Kevin Quigley is a Leading Independent
Distributor for the Internationally acclaimed Direct Sales
Group - MyWorldPLUS. Free to join, Independent Distributors
wanted Worldwide. For more details Watch the Movie here:
Or visit: http://www.kevinquigley.homestead.com/
You have my full permission to feature/distribute
this article provided it is published in its entirety.
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