Dear marketer,

How would you like an easy system for instantly squeezing more profits from the products you promote?

If you are promoting an affiliate program of any sort, or even your own product, you may be leaving profits behind for no reason!

The fact is, there is a new tactic that has been proven to be an incredibly powerful way to promote your projects. And the best part is, it will work for any product, affiliate program, or opportunity..

— Why Are You Still Promoting Products The Old Fashion Way?

It's a proven fact that following up with your visitors will increase sales. That has been proven numerous times over eons of testing.

The new, and highly effective way of getting your visitor to subscribe to your opt-in follow up email campaign is with squeeze pages (aka NameSqueeze).

A squeeze page is a simple HTML page with a subscription box on it and minimal sales copy.

When the visitor requests free information from your subscription form, they are taken to your sales letter (or affiliate program you are promoting).

You now have their email address to send follow ups to, plus you can personalize your sales letter with their first name, last name, and email address..

— That is, if you have the right software!!

The right software will allow you to create multiple squeeze pages, personalize all sales letters, keep track of visitors/subscribers conversion rates, and automate the entire process.

Software like this has been nonexistent, until now!



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