Broke newbie bags $218.88 in 24 hours using this 1 weird trick

Posted by Ivana Dee
418 Pageviews

I've heard so many people talking about Periscope I thought it was just noise.

But I've tested it myself and have to say;

Periscope is one of the easiest ways to make money online.

Here's why :

You just hit "Start Broadcast" on your phone (once you've got the free Periscope app) and you are instantly broadcasting to the 15 million users on Periscope.

Now of course - you're won't reach all of them with your broadcast but you will get a bunch of new prospects (and potentially customers) every time you do a broadcast.

The trick is;

You need to know how to attract these Viewers, the best way to run your broadcasts to get people to buy from you and how to get well-ranked in the Periscope listings.

This is where my good friend Michael Cheney comes in...

You see he immersed himself in Periscope for several weeks doing daily broadcasts, devouring all the secret strategies and even becoming one of Periscope's secret BETA testers.

You can spend months trying to fathom this thing out and get
it cranking out moolah or you can just grab this easy money-getting shortcut by