Now LifeStyle Program Launching Soon!
can’t hold this in ANY longer people NEED your help!
Hi Readers,
just got this email from my good friend Joel Therien and I wanted to forward it
to you!!
know that I have been emailing you a lot about only because as I
tell all of you...
you believe in your product and it serves the universe then it is your absolute
moral obligation to sell it."
the past 3 months has been in
the Pre Enrollment phase looking for top leaders in the Network Marketing and
Affiliate Marketing Industry.
love GVO & Pure Leverage because it has changed the lives of thousands of
people and made 9 millionaires. However, because GVO
& Pure Leverage are business to business tools I have always felt a deeper
of technology and video games and bad lifestyle changes it is estimated by
the "World Health Organization" that for the very first
time ever today's children will NOT live as old as their parents or grandparents
did on average!!
[+] Kids for the first time will not live
as old as their parents
[+] Obesity is now and Epidemic
[+] Diabetes is also an epidemic
[+] More drugs are being prescribed than ever before for Heart disease and
congestive heart failure
[+] People would not have to die every single day from
preventable diseases if they only knew about the 7 minute Workout
I love GVO, Pure leverage and my life. But an auto responder, web hosting,
video streaming and other tools we provide simply doesn't save lives!!! does!!!
you understand our higher calling? Ricardo, Can you understand why it is all
our moral obligation to share what we have with the world?
watch this video I shot for you this is your very last chance]
don't only want you as part of the team, frankly I need you. I can't do this
alone, Right now we are still in the "Pre Enrollment" phase of
what will be a billion dollar per year enterprise in the next 5 years!!
join the movement.. you will love what we are about to do]
Ricardo, thank you for a dream come true for myself and so many others. We have
hit thousands.. but millions will be touched by this health and wellness platform
thanks to you!!
you at the top!!
R. Weatherly
Fitness Gear CEO:
ID: hildogojones
Disclosure 2017
offer products and services to you free, but I do work for myself and different
merchants as an affiliate. When you click on a link on this page and make a
purchase, I may receive a commission.