The story is told of two boys who were walking through
a field and found some corn seeds scattered across the
ground. They each took one of the seeds home and
planted it.

When the first boy didn't see a tiny sprout after the
second day, he dug up the seed to see if it had
sprouted. Each day he dug up the seed and replanted it,
but the corn would not grow. The seed had germinated;
yet the boy had not allowed it to maintain contact with
the soil, take root, and obtain nutrients. So, it died.

The second boy planted his seed and left it alone. He
imagined a tall stalk of corn where he had planted the
seed. He waited patiently as rains came and sunshine
bathed the ground with warmth. In ten days, a small
sprout had broken through the ground, its curled leaves
reaching toward the sky.

Achieving any desire, whether large or small, begins
with a seed sown in the mind. That seed is the vision
of its fulfillment. It also requires the commitment to
allow the vision to grow--the faith in God to do His
part through storm, rain, and sunshine.

Commitment allows life's storms to strengthen resolve.
Resolve allows us to nurture a new dream, improve an
existing dream, or begin over if necessary. Faith
allows acceptance of any circumstance as God's blessing
for growth.

A seed sown must be nourished with faith and belief.
When you hold a picture of the final creation in your
mind, you hold and maintain faith. You honor God's
desire to create something wonderful, and you honor His
choice of your hands to help do the job.

How often do we plant the seed of a beautiful dream in
the fertile soil of our minds, and then dig it up? What
could you achieve if you allowed your seed to grow,
continuing to focus your spiritual eyes on the harvest?

If it were not possible for you to achieve a dream,
God would not have placed it in your heart and mind.
Sow your seed, allow it to grow, and see an abundant

© Copyright 2005-2007 by Steve Brunkhorst.
All Rights Reserved.

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