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Why you need a toplist.
What's a Toplist?
A toplist is a links site that ranks member sites by traffic they send in. It's a very simplistic site that has 3 common areas:
Index - the actual list of sites ordered by hits in.
Webmaster area - the sign-up page, and login page where webmasters add their sites, modify settings and view stats.
Enter page - optionally some toplists have gateway pages in order to protect themselves from cheating.
Why You Need a Toplist?
Why'd you need a TGP? Why'd you need a CJ? Why'd you need a links page? And why'd you need a toplist? The answer is the same for all of these questions. All of these sites rely on other webmasters to increase the traffic of the site. The idea is simple. If you want to succeed in the industry you can't do it alone, you need to create a network of sites that utilizes other webmasters' needs to exchange links. I don't have to tell you that exchanging links with other sites is the most basic promotion strategy.
Toplists allow you to automate the link exchange and distribute traffic between participating sites according to traffic they send in. Besides, like any other link site, toplists don't cost you a leg and an arm in bandwidth.
Like a CJ (Circle-Jerk site), toplist is a fully autonomous, self-promoting site. Webmasters (including yourself) send traffic to your toplist, some of that traffic contains other webmaster hits, which generate new participating site sign-ups. Those, in turn, generate new traffic, hence more webmaster sign-ups., etc...
But unlike a CJ site, toplist, in general, generates better quality traffic. Any more or less experienced webmaster will tell you that CJ traffic and TGP traffic is the worst out there, whereas some toplists' visitors are known to convert better than search engine hits.
CLICK HERE, is free.
What's a Toplist?
A toplist is a links site that ranks member sites by traffic they send in. It's a very simplistic site that has 3 common areas:
Index - the actual list of sites ordered by hits in.
Webmaster area - the sign-up page, and login page where webmasters add their sites, modify settings and view stats.
Enter page - optionally some toplists have gateway pages in order to protect themselves from cheating.
Why You Need a Toplist?
Why'd you need a TGP? Why'd you need a CJ? Why'd you need a links page? And why'd you need a toplist? The answer is the same for all of these questions. All of these sites rely on other webmasters to increase the traffic of the site. The idea is simple. If you want to succeed in the industry you can't do it alone, you need to create a network of sites that utilizes other webmasters' needs to exchange links. I don't have to tell you that exchanging links with other sites is the most basic promotion strategy.
Toplists allow you to automate the link exchange and distribute traffic between participating sites according to traffic they send in. Besides, like any other link site, toplists don't cost you a leg and an arm in bandwidth.
Like a CJ (Circle-Jerk site), toplist is a fully autonomous, self-promoting site. Webmasters (including yourself) send traffic to your toplist, some of that traffic contains other webmaster hits, which generate new participating site sign-ups. Those, in turn, generate new traffic, hence more webmaster sign-ups., etc...
But unlike a CJ site, toplist, in general, generates better quality traffic. Any more or less experienced webmaster will tell you that CJ traffic and TGP traffic is the worst out there, whereas some toplists' visitors are known to convert better than search engine hits.
CLICK HERE, is free.
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