Leaving the nay sayers behind

Posted by Diane C.
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Unfortunately when we decide to change and begin on the path of personal and professional development there will be people who are non too happy about it!

Maybe they have been "better than you" in their eyes for a long time, and to see you suddenly progressing upsets the status quo! When my ex husband left I had a "friend" who was always there for me, she did whatever she could to help.

She often came round to share what her husband had bought for her, or what they were buying next (the car, the new house). Then one day I decided I was going to return to study and my study included gaining myself a degree. Within a few months of starting that course this "friend" disappeard and within the year we were no longer in touch with each other.

Why? because suddenly I was no longer "down there" but was doing something to actively ensure I developed and moved forward.

Family are another bunch that can very easily dampen your dreams. Sometimes not intentionally. But for a husband who sees his wife progressing, or a mother watching her child become independent, it may just be the thought of things changing. They may also feel "unwanted" or like they are no longer of use.

The easiest way to avoid people close to you putting you down is to discuss your plans with them and provide constant reassurance. Of course some people are just plain negative and what you will need to do is develop your own inner strength to deal with that.

Are you still ready to continue on your path despite not having the blessings of family and friends? Do you believe in what you want to achieve enough to perserve when times get challenging? If you have 10 people standing in front of you telling you "it can't be done" or "its not worth doing it" or even worse "you are just not good enough to do it" will you continue anyway. Will you believe in yourself enough to allow them to say their piece without it changing your decision. I know I did. And I have never looked back.

Be grateful for all those that come into your life and challenge your dreams because they are testing your own strength in what you want to accomplish. See them as little reminders that are asking the question "do you really want this?" Chances are, if you don't then you will listen to their "advice" and use this as your reason and excuse for not having what you want in your life, for not achieving what you knew you could. But when you choose to create your own path, when you choose to believe in the power of intention to achieve your goals, then something quite magical happens.
