Good way to find affiliates to add extra income to your web site(s) & make a little money just for l

Posted by Lisa G.
1753 Pageviews
Clix Sense

Another APSense member told me about this site. I did not think too much of it at first, until I checked it out a little more.

It's a really good place to advetise, right next to some of the Big Boys...such as Wal Mart & Baby Phat, Kodak Picture Share,...ect.. I belive it to be a great place to get more traffic to your Web Site(s).

The cost of advertising is very low. You can actually use the quick money you earn for the cliks to pay for your advertising. The amount of traffic that pass through Click Sense is phenominal, especially for the inexpensive cost of advertising there.

I am using it to find great sources for affiliates, that will not compete to my own web site...which will hopefully be great sources of extra income each month. Just in case you have never noticed...look at the very bottom of a web site, some have affiliate links..some don't. Some pay up to 60%, of sales directed from your web site. There are alot of affiliate programs that offer free banners and can be used on your My Space account.

It's worth your time to check it out.

Another way to use ClixSense ->
Are you an ebayer? Sell on Amazon..or any other online stores/auctions? Great way to drive more traffice to your auctions!!

More info & ways to make money with ClixSense
Refer others to and earn even more. All members are automatically enrolled in the free affiliate program. You earn 10% of the revenues collected from your referrals and 50% commission on any member you refer who upgrades their account to premium status. (only a very small fee of $10.00 a year.) If only 2 people a year sign up under you...your premium membeship will be free and you will have more paid per click opportunties. A few clicks a day, will pay your money back, and some..very quickly too.

I am in the pocess of checking one other source out like this one. I will let you all know as soon as I check it out more. Please Stop back by again.

Special Affiliate announcement - EXTENDED THROUGH October!
For a limited time you will be paid $5 for anyone who you refer to who upgrades their account to a "Premium" member account. That's right, you read it correctly - you earn 50% of the upgrade fee! If you already have referrals who are not "Premium" members you will still earn the commission if that referral upgrades to a Premum account during this time. This offer is not retroactive. The more you refer the more you can earn! is very easy to refer people to as it is FREE to join and your referrals can earn money just for clicking and viewing 30 second ads. Offer expires Midnight October 31, 2007 (CST). reserves the right to extend this offer.