Posted by Marilyn Martin
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AMW Insider: Captured Predator; Transgender "Psychic" Killer
Posted: 05-25-2007 02:24 PM


AMW Insider: Captured Predator; Transgender "Psychic" Killer

AMW Capture Alert: Alan Horowitz

Alan Horowitz is the type of guy that makes our blood boil at AMW. As an Ivy League-educated child therapist and an Orthodox Rabbi, no one would ever have thought of him as anything but an upstanding citizen. But the ugly truth came out in 1983, when he was convicted of molesting one of his 12-year-old patients.

Incredibly, Horowitz didn't do any serious time behind bars. Then he was charged with 41 more sex crimes in 1991 – and convicted of child rape in '92. In 2004, Horowitz was released. But after just two of the seven years of his parole, police say he hopped a plane from New Jersey to Narita, Japan.

But now, the convicted child predator's international run from the law is over. Earlier this week, he was arrested in India after an alert tipster recognized his face on Horowitz becomes AMW's 940th direct result capture. Federal authorities are working on hauling him back to the U.S. to face justice.

For more on this story, visit

One Of The Weirdest Fugitives We've Ever Gone After

Cops say David French has an unusual lifestyle. He’s transgendered, and this guy sometimes goes by the the name “Zalia.” He ran an online business out of his Portland, Ore., apartment, charging clients an arm and a leg for various “spiritual services” including “third eye mastery” and $165 an hour for “ghost busting.”

It’s safe to say that French’s exploits were unorthodox, but he didn’t seem to be dangerous. Then, a few weeks ago, cops paid a visit to his apartment after receiving complaints of a disturbance. When they got inside, they found French’s long-time roommate, Frank Johnson, bludgeoned to death. As cops forced their way in, French was in the process of making his exit — by jumping from the third story window.

At, we’ve got some clues about what French might be up to now that he’s on the run. We’ve also posted his entire list of the bizarre “services” he provided as “Zalia.” Police have a pretty good idea where French might be hiding, and we hope AMW tipsters can make him another capture sooner rather than later.

NASCAR Drivers & Safe Driving

The AMW Safety Center is the place online to get answers to any safety question that comes up. While we were at Lowes Motor Speedway in North Carolina last weekend, helping to congratulate AMW All-Star Winner Carl Andolina at the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series All-Star Challenge race, several NASCAR drivers were excited to share their safe driving tips with us.

You can check out some of their tips at the AMW Safety Center. And keep checking back for more, because they had a lot of good advice that we'll be sharing with you over the coming weeks! For more, visit the AMW saftey Center.


Jerilyn Merideth

Public Service Director


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