Posted by Marilyn Martin
940 Pageviews
Posted: May 23 2007 07:42 AM
Hello folks:

Every once in a great while, I get an email ad that makes me lean in and look closer at the text, the graphics and has me think... nah...this is a joke...right ?

Not so this time. I clicked on the link to check it out and now I'm even more confused. Why ? Well, first, lets take a look at the ad they sent me.... do you see the " major typo " ? It's right there are the bottom of the states that I can sell my " staff ". Wow ! I've been looking to make a few bucks off these guys for a year now. Now it seems I can sell them at auction...shhh...don't tell them before I get the first bid set. But seriously, SELL YOUR STAFF. I know they mean " sell your suff ". I just find it unusual that this got by them since this is a new opportunity.

But wait, it gets better. Go on over and look around. You will not believe the amount of broken english typed there. Right. Broken english. Maybe its just me but at the bottom of the page, it states:

Forget My Password ...yes... I know. It should be " forgot " which is what they did when they created this page. They forgot to check their phrases and sure didin't use their spell check.

We here at TGAMM make errors as well, but this is so unusual that I wanted to ask you to take a look and then you tell me, is this a valid site or just another way to have you list your ID info. Yeah, I know, that sounds like a case of paranoia... however... go on... check it out.