Looking at the advantages provided by each Java and PHP, it's clear they're both very powerful. However, several programmers that use each languages will tell you PHP is the better selection. The main reason programmers opt for PHP over Java is the speed. ... When using Java, it's best to possess an ardent server for your hosting.
It isn't correct to compare Java to PHP. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language whereas Java is a general-purpose language. In other words, PHP is only used as a server-side language where Java is both for server-side and desktop programming language. Moreover, Java is compiled and strongly-typed language.
It isn't correct to compare Java to PHP. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language whereas Java is a general-purpose language. In other words, PHP is only used as a server-side language where Java is both for server-side and desktop programming language
It isn't correct to compare Java to PHP. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language whereas Java is a general-purpose language. In other words, PHP is only used as a server-side language where Java is both for server-side and desktop programming language. Moreover, Java is compiled and strongly-typed language.
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As we speak about sciatica during pregnancy, means you can relief the compression on your sciatic nerve is by lying on your side, opposite the pain, until it subsides. Is actually a temporary Pain Relief, and works fine.
Looking at the benefits provided by both Java and PHP, it's clear they are both very powerful. However, many programmers that use both languages will tell you PHP is the better choice. The main reason programmers choose PHP over Java is the speed. ... When using Java, it's best to have a dedicated server for your hosting.
Comments (36)
Max Willor
My Assignment Help
PHP is best for the security of a website
Evelyn Cook
Support Engineer
Hard to compare PHP executes server-side Java executes client side. Java is better for high traffic websites less stress on the server. I prefer PHP
Amit Kumar
Digital Marketing Analyst
Hard to compare PHP executes server-side Java executes client side. Java is better for high traffic websites less stress on the server.
Top Healthy Chat
Health & Beauty
Looking at the advantages provided by each Java and PHP, it's clear they're both very powerful. However, several programmers that use each languages will tell you PHP is the better selection. The main reason programmers opt for PHP over Java is the speed. ... When using Java, it's best to possess an ardent server for your hosting.
John Mathew
Computime Uk
PHP is good language as per maintenance and but if you want to for secure platform than you should go with java
Prasad Seo
SEO Executive
Java is Best compare tp php
Benny Henson
Legal Support Services Provider
Java is best as it is also known as the mother of all computer language.
Gemma Gill
Technical Support Engineer
Java is best for big and secure website while php for small.
RoohaniOnline Spirit...
Roohani Online Spiritual Help
It isn't correct to compare Java to PHP. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language whereas Java is a general-purpose language. In other words, PHP is only used as a server-side language where Java is both for server-side and desktop programming language. Moreover, Java is compiled and strongly-typed language.
Rinac India
Rinac India Limited
It isn't correct to compare Java to PHP. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language whereas Java is a general-purpose language. In other words, PHP is only used as a server-side language where Java is both for server-side and desktop programming language
Adrina Martinez
Personal Loan Lender
It isn't correct to compare Java to PHP. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language whereas Java is a general-purpose language. In other words, PHP is only used as a server-side language where Java is both for server-side and desktop programming language. Moreover, Java is compiled and strongly-typed language.
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Cartilax - 100% natural solution to the problem of
As we speak about sciatica during pregnancy, means you can relief the compression on your sciatic nerve is by lying on your side, opposite the pain, until it subsides. Is actually a temporary Pain Relief, and works fine.
Ron Hickey
Webmaster, Programmer
Hard to compare PHP executes server-side Java executes client side. Java is better for high traffic websites less stress on the server. I prefer PHP
Celia Egan
Technical Support Engineer
Java is best for big and secure website while php for small.
Owner Financed Land
The Owner Terms Land Network
Looking at the benefits provided by both Java and PHP, it's clear they are both very powerful. However, many programmers that use both languages will tell you PHP is the better choice. The main reason programmers choose PHP over Java is the speed. ... When using Java, it's best to have a dedicated server for your hosting.