What makes a good leader?

Apr 4, 2017
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Comments (27)
Roman S.

Better Life Seeker

A good leader is a person who ( at first ) successfuly leads himself. You are right Debra. There are people with visions, they learn how to emotionaly inspire people, most of them are motivational experts, but they don´t control themselves, they don˙t lead themselves.
How can they lead other people? How can the one who is half blind help to blind people to see?

Jan 29, 2017 2 Likes Like it
Noel Fay

Part Time Eauntapeaur

A good leader leads people in the right direction. Keeping a close watch that they don't lose anyone along the way. Supports and encourages all the time.

Jan 29, 2017 3 Likes Like it
Debra Diamond

Healthy Alternatives

A good leader practices mindfulness - This is the art of being mindful in the moment instead of allowing distractions to clutter our thoughts. Learn how to first lead yourself and you will learn how to become a good leader.

Jan 29, 2017 2 Likes Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

Strength without cruelty, intelligence, understanding. Fairness and logic

Jan 28, 2017 3 Likes Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

In one word, it is vision. Vision is seeing the very far distance as if it is very close to you and doing all you can to make it real. Leaders with vision make a difference wherever they are. They inspire their followers to overachieve even to their surprise.

Can you identify a leader with vision?

Jan 28, 2017 2 Likes Like it
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