What is the best investment you've ever made?

Posted by Mike G.
Feb 24, 2017
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Comments (35)
Iris B.

Networker, Marketeer

hahaha you're welcome? lol
you look young to me...but then 'that also is relative :)

Aug 22, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


LOL Iris, thanks for the fetal attempt to make me feel better...

Aug 21, 2013 1 Like Like it
Iris B.

Networker, Marketeer

don't worry mike, i officially turned old last monday! lol

Aug 21, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Thanks Iris I feel old now...kidding.

Aug 20, 2013 Like it
Iris B.

Networker, Marketeer

Thanks Mike! It means a lot to me to hear these words from someone who has been in the business much longer than me. It's important people know it's hard work, but for less time. I look forward to building our friendship!

Aug 20, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Van, I got you but I'm sure the ones you have from here will go mum when time comes...I hate to see an athletic baby sit in a stroller when the game is played...and not to mention diaper change...LOL (kidding).

I get what the genius is doing now so I will leave you alone about it for now.

Aug 19, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

Well that is just the thing Mike,,,I am taking a few of the Apsense people who are brave enough on board with me who have come to me on their own and I want them to be living proof of "success", and that directly from me - then I certainly will shove it down their throats, because if I have to tell them what returns I am pulling they will say it is utter bullshit,,,BUT IT IS NOT.........so I will let the results speak for themselves....the proof will be in the pudding.....so I am taking it baby

Aug 19, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Van, I thought that brain of yours would like that bite thingy...yes I do but you have to shove it down my and everybody else's throat. The people of Apsense deserves the true life style that you can provide. In my area of IM there is only a 5% success rate but you can provide much more! If people can learn from you then they probably won't fail anywhere.

IM is setup for failure. Your profession has some whacky failure stuff to but in the long run it is the most reliable. You really can do so m

Aug 19, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

@Mike,,,,,ya know what I do,,,and ya know I do very well at...............LOL...Mike...now when ya talk about biting....I can just kick ya.....ss....

Aug 19, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Van, you will bite one day!

Aug 19, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Iris, this is one of the greatest shares on Apsense! I spend a large part of my time here fighting to get people who have or know how to share something solid...now I found one without having to beat it out...you are a rare breed even I'm lacking in this area but I have someone to turn to now...you better be up to par too or you will have me as a problem.

I can send people your way while I work on other things if they listen to you or me...just be as beautiful in business as you are in your pic

Aug 19, 2013 Like it
Iris B.

Networker, Marketeer

I decided to take control of my life. Started doing some research to find out who was really successfull at it, sent those leaders a message, became friends. I took time to chose the right sponsor for me, we had a click, really connected and had built trust. Then I followed up each step he told me to take, posted what he posted and watched the video's and training he sent me. I treated it like a real job, not a hobby! the first 2 months I worked 10 hours a day, but I loved it! i learned how to s

Aug 19, 2013 4 Likes Like it
Mike G.


Now Iris, let's get into how you made the money...without giving away the farm what steps did you take to be where you are?

You made my day with your share I must hear a hundred sad stories daily at least.

Aug 19, 2013 1 Like Like it
Iris B.

Networker, Marketeer

I used my entire wellfare cheque to invest in my online business, best investment ever, i am financially free now! Won't ever need wellfare anymore!

Aug 19, 2013 Like it
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